Verified User
There are 2 IP's added within DirectAdmin - IP_1 and IP_2.
IP_1 is a shared server IP address.
IP_2 is a shared IP address assigned to a Reseller account.
The Reseller account can assign users with either IP_1 or IP_2.
A domain name is assigned to IP_2. When the A Record is changed at the Registrar DNS Level to either IP_1 or IP_2, the website loads up correctly.
How can I make it so that the server only displays the website from the one IP address assigned to the user, not from any IP address installed onto the server?
I'm running DA on CentoOS 5.5 if it matters.
Thanks in advance.
IP_1 is a shared server IP address.
IP_2 is a shared IP address assigned to a Reseller account.
The Reseller account can assign users with either IP_1 or IP_2.
A domain name is assigned to IP_2. When the A Record is changed at the Registrar DNS Level to either IP_1 or IP_2, the website loads up correctly.
How can I make it so that the server only displays the website from the one IP address assigned to the user, not from any IP address installed onto the server?
I'm running DA on CentoOS 5.5 if it matters.
Thanks in advance.