wierd problem


Verified User
Jul 5, 2007
Im new to DA (cpanel convert)

I have a new server & the sites on it are working fine, except for 1 customer

Some of them have problems accessing their website & emails - not all the time - usually in a morning - the strange thing is that while 1 in the office cant access the site, the person at another desk can.He can also access the site on his mobile. Then lo & behold its working again. The server is monitored so I know its not going down

im thinking that it at their end but I want to rule out anything on the server before I get them to get the IT boys in

Anyone else had these problems
Possibly the person who can see the site is seeing a cached version.

Possibly their local network has a problem.

Hard to diagnose without being there.

yep thats what I thought, but with them been able to see it 1 minute then its gone the next, thats what I cant understand
Me neither ;) .

And since it's a local issue it's doubtful anyone but their network admin and/or their ISP will be able to figure it out.
