wont let me delete a dir from my file menu?..please URGENT!!


Verified User
Jan 26, 2004
hi guys,

i havnt posted here in a long while but i realy need your expert help on this.

im in my directadmin area and trying to delete some old files and programs i put on the account but theres one directory and files it wont let me delete..tells me i dont have permission to delete these files. But i put them there :confused: so there not part of the server package like cgi-bin if you know wat i meen.

ive tried using FTP and chmod them to write permissions and everything but still wont let me, wont let me delete, wont let me move, wont let me override.

please someone help me with this problem.

the people who work at my host company must be dead because they NEVER answer emails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if anyone here works at hostlogical please tell me why you never respond :confused: lol

can anyone help me?

have you checked the perms on the parent directory of the files you want to delete...you must have write perm on that dir to delete files within it

hope this helps,

If you have ssh access you could try removing them that way, or checking the permisions and see if you can change them though it, other than that you'll probably have to wait for one of your admins to do it.
i have tried chmod the files and directorys in question but it still wont allow me to delete them and on some it wont let me chmod them.

i dont know how to get intouch with my host provider because ive sent loads of emails over the past few weeks and they just dont reply at all.

the files im trying to remove are ones which i put on there so i dont know why i cant delete them, its frustrating.

is there any way i can just erase everything off my webspace, an easy quick way?.

any help on this will be appreciated thank you.
Have you tried deleting it through FileManager on control panel?
You never answered whether you have ssh or not.

It appears that somehow permissions on these files have been changed.

But in case you're doing it wrong:

Note that a directory must be empty before it can be deleted.

You can only change the ownership of a file if you have "write" permissions to the directory it's in.

You can only delete a file if you've "write" permissions to the directory it's in.

Is this the "hostlogical" you're writing about?

Administrative Contact:
Prust, Matthew [email protected]
8 Franklin Road
Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex BN43 6YD
If so, have you tried calling them?

A note to others:

This is a low-priced company; sites from under us$20/year; their highest priced site is under $75/year.

I welcome their comments as to why they don't answer support requests, but it's been my experiences that:

1) low-priced companies usually skimp on support; generally you get what you pay for.

2) never by an annual contract unless you've had a month-to-month contract with the company first and know their service-level fits your needs.

That said, we have a few annual contracts who stay with us year after year, but we're not the low-priced guy on the block; not by a long shot.

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