WordPress JSON fields corrupt

Sakamoto Ryōma

Verified User
Jun 4, 2011
I transferred two client sites which are using WordPress and some page builders which save data in JSON format and after import JSON data gets broken. I use Maria DB 10.6.15.
Yes it seems MariaDB is not a Mysql-drop in anymore or at least planning to go another way.

In a comparison I've seen loads of differences now between the both and it seems people are starting to go backup to mysql again.
Seems this can already be happening since MariaDB 10.5.x

Good you discovered this issue as for sure more people will encounter this problem as Wordpress is widely used.

@fln since this is MariaDB 10.5 will there be some automated import fix created or can the mysql_json plugin be installed by default in MariaDB?
I have some client sites which were on Cpanel, and as I use DirectAdmin, the default database servers are different. I had JSON problems on some client sites, and now I set my DirectAdmin to use MySQL server instead of MariaDB because I don't want to spend time on bugs and problems as there are too many plugins on WordPress sites, and some of them use JSON to save data to DB and some of them has their own custom tables. I know MariaDB is performing better but in my situation using MySQL is more error-free migration as Cpanel is using MySQL by default.

There is also one more main difference between Maria and MySQL, it is the default charset. MySQL is using utf8mb4 but Maria is not.

I got a suggestion to add some extra config to my.cnf file but I preferred to move to MySQL as there can be other unseen problems in the future.
For anyone want to make json-data work in mariadb in future.
just create with longtext data-type ( utf8mb4_bin ) table column.

if it small data "TEXT" should be fine.
@Richard G
it not completely work with mysql_json, but it can store data as mysql_json with plaintext.

this will same as when you create json table from phpmyadmin, it will force to use longtext data-type ( utf8mb4_bin ). Besure you must store as ( *_bin ).