WP Caching


Verified User
Jul 22, 2017
I definitely agree you need file caching in Wordpress such as W3TC. Cloudflare still routes almost all the hits through your server.

With file caching think of it in concept:
- No caching: 1 hit will make 1000 sql queries and process all that data
- With caching: 1 hit will make 10 sql queries and just read the most data from a static file

Anyone who has properly played with a wordpress site knows the major speed and resource difference when using the right caching. This is not something you can really fix on the server level.

Yes there are server options also discussed here, but those cannot do what the caching within the application can do. That is to say it has not already been done, but if not sure that would be the #1 thing to check really.
@Arieh and @kadek_mentik
I didn't want to hijack Peters's post. I am interested in your thoughts.

I get the idea of caching. I am wondering why W3TC vs others. I am currently using the wp fastest cache plugin. I am open to learning why the other one is better.

Also isn't this a more of a User item not a Hoster's item?

The need for caching doesn't this mean the WP application is poorly coded?

I would love to see someone make a general "How to tune WP server document". I think the community would love it.
Thanks @bdacus01 for this thread.

* i have tried wp fastest cache a year ago, its good and easy to use. But, why i choose W3TC, its because W3TC has a lot configuration, the main thing i like from it is its cache method.

W3TC generated cache + compressed cache, its help a lot to optimize cpu usage. Also, the cache can be configured depan on visitor device, because i have diferent ads layout for mobile/desktop/AMP. Javascript/css maybe the easy method for that, but i think adsense script will detect the hidden ad element, then make affected the publisher report.

W3TC has good documentation and free suport, i can move from apache to nginx without overwhelm the nginx conf...

* WordPress cooded poorly, i dont know about that, but i think wordpress developer, developed the great CMS in the world.

I think the problem in theme developer, some themes has a big size, not optimized, lot of script and also page builder...
@Arieh and @kadek_mentik
I didn't want to hijack Peters's post. I am interested in your thoughts.

I get the idea of caching. I am wondering why W3TC vs others. I am currently using the wp fastest cache plugin. I am open to learning why the other one is better.

Also isn't this a more of a User item not a Hoster's item?

The need for caching doesn't this mean the WP application is poorly coded?

I would love to see someone make a general "How to tune WP server document". I think the community would love it.
DirectAdmin should add new sub category "WordPress Thread" ?
I see some people asking about WP in this forum
developed the great CMS in the world
Most popular doesn't mean its the best. Keep in mind we are just talking. Seems to me if the system was coded well it might either have a cache built-in or wouldn't need one.
I think the problem in theme developer
I think this is some of the issues as well. The 3rd party isn't coding up to standards. Maybe that's not WP dev fault totally.
ads layout
adsense script
Yuck Ads need to be blocked.. ;)

W3TC generated cache + compressed cache, its help a lot to optimize cpu usage.
So again is this a User, webmaster, or a hosters role to setup a cache. Let me give an Example: My wife is a user and rents space from "Host X". She has a simple blog and a store. She wouldn't know what to do with a Cache Plugin or even know they exist. Is it the Host X company that should care about how fast her site is?
Should Host x just set this up for everyone?
DirectAdmin should add new sub category "WordPress Thread" ?
I see some people asking about WP in this forum
We have it right here 3rd party forum. Oh I think that is mostly due to Users with Personal Licenses. I doubt most really care much for WordPress it has a really bad reputation with hosters best I can tell.

I am just interested in learning about anything that is the only reason I care.
If you host hundreds of WP sites and just a handful are troublesome, then it has to be poorly coded themes, and/or plugins of the affected sites?
I have a wordpress running with wp fastest cache as well and serves the purpose of file caching easily. I guess this indeed is more of a taste and context choice.

And it is indeed a user thing, however there are hosting providers who will dive deep in how they offer wordpress hosting. They can also go as far as offer full page caching on server level, for example this one: https://translate.google.nl/transla...ess-caching-zodat-jij-dat-niet-hoeft-te-doen/

However more common is that people who manage their own wordpress site, will use a caching plugin themselves. I think that would be preferable also because the plugin can empty the cache when making a new post for example.

So generally speaking, yes the webmaster should setup this caching in wordpress. If you are managing wordpress I would definitely say you need more then common knowledge. There are webdesigners/web agencies managing wordpress for customers who may only want to write content, if at all.

If you don't want to pay for that, there are site builders that offer you to just make pages and thats it. But since Wordpress is so extensive with plugins, you need more knowledge to maintain it.

It is also possible that with caching enabled, a plugin still creates trouble. That's because a plugin can hijack each request, just like the caching plugin can hijack it, but for the better.
If you host hundreds of WP sites and just a handful are troublesome, then it has to be poorly coded themes, and/or plugins of the affected sites?
I would say if all things are equal traffic and usage. Yes. Its well-documented plugins/themes can be poorly coded and cause trouble. I assume this is why certain hosters have totally separate infrastructure as it relates to WP hosting.
Most popular doesn't mean its the best. Keep in mind we are just talking. Seems to me if the system was coded well it might either have a cache built-in or wouldn't need one.

I think this is some of the issues as well. The 3rd party isn't coding up to standards. Maybe that's not WP dev fault totally.

Yuck Ads need to be blocked.. ;)

So again is this a User, webmaster, or a hosters role to setup a cache. Let me give an Example: My wife is a user and rents space from "Host X". She has a simple blog and a store. She wouldn't know what to do with a Cache Plugin or even know they exist. Is it the Host X company that should care about how fast her site is?
Should Host x just set this up for everyone?
*Yet, because its popular and i use it, i say it best, but in reality we saw
Lot site build with wordpress have slow speed.

*I see some hosting company have WP feature (free or with additional cost), for example WordPress Hosting and some of them i think included and activated the wp cached plugin automatically when user using one click install tobuild wordpress site on reguler host plan. For example; litespeed cache or another similar plugin they developed.

*i think, hosting should care about how fast their user site, so user will happy to use them.
Wp is popular, so hosting with wp feature have extra value from user perspective :)
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And it is indeed a user thing
Ok that is what i thought.
dive deep in how they offer wordpress hosting
right gotcha agreed.
I think that would be preferable also because the plugin can empty the cache when making a new post for example.
Why doesn't the Application itself do this already if its needed?
It is also possible that with caching enabled, a plugin still creates trouble.
Because of poor coding?
Ok that is what i thought.

right gotcha agreed.

Why doesn't the Application itself do this already if its needed?

Because of poor coding?
Yes you could say it will do it by itself. In fact it will be the caching plugin itself still, making a "hook" into the event of when a post is edited/created etc to empty the cache. Most cache plugins allow you to configure which cache you want to delete in such events. For example the front page, all pages, the blogpost index etc.

Indeed because of poor coding it can create all sorts of chaos. And sometimes a plugin isn't maintained anymore and a new update of WP itself will cause it to malfunction. It can also cause security risks, there have been known to be plugins wildly used that are no longer maintained and have security issues.

Installatron can also update plugins: https://installatron.com/docs/admin/wordpress

And Imunify360 also involves itself: https://www.cloudlinux.com/blog/ent...pr-compliance-wordpress-plugin-cve-2018-19207

Probably there are more tools that can automate/scan for such things.

But if you want to run a tight ship, you'd need someone who knows what they are doing to maintain a Wordpress site. Unfortunately that's not the reality in many cases.