WP Network (Subdom) Install on DirectAdmin: httpd.conf issues (limited rights)


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Ok, let me sketch the situation:
My server is ran by a friend. It's a basic set-up with DirectAdmin as a user panel. I really wanted to do a subdomain install, which initially wasn't possible with the contract I had, but he's been so friendly as to allow me some extra freedom on the server. This means that I could access the DNS Management necessary for running a subdomain wordpress installation.

He also set the httpd.conf file (ServerAlias *.mysite.com) for me, but warned me that he would have to set this to readonly, which would mean I wouldn't be able to make any more changes to the settings via my DirectAdmin panel. I agreed to this thinking that it wouldn't be a problem and did all the work to get a WordPress network up and running. WordPress ran it's installer (in subdomain "mode") without problems and I could finally create the two subdomains I wanted.

Here's where the trouble began. Both subdomains showed me the text: "apache is running normally". No matter what I tried, nothing helped. I started fiddling around with my DirectAdmin panel to try and fix this, but unfortunately couldn't. I tried a couple of things and more than once got the message: "Unable to write user's httpd.conf" - logical, I know.

My friend said he would reset everything (again :s) and would add everything I wanted to the httpd.conf file, but he would obviously have to set it to readonly again after he was done. My question now is, HOW can I make this work. I have the feeling that I was so close, but have no idea how to continue. Does wordpress write any additional data to the httpd.conf file when I create the subdomains? Is it enough to have httpd.conf writable during the installation of these subdomains, or can I do it manually after running the installer (to not have my friend on stand-by all the time)?

Will it EVER work for me given my set-up? All and any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm happy to answer any additional questions too!
zEitEr, I followed steps 1 and 2 of this how-to before installing my wordpress network. It allowed me to do the install, which previously it didn't, but still gave me the "apache is running normally" message when I tried accessing the subdomains.
Will you please provide us with real name, so we could check it out?

Is anything.domain.com and domain.com resolve to the same IP?
Currently, the whole thing is down and I don't want to ask my friend to set it up all again before I have the answers I'm looking for (unless this is vital in solving it!), because he's already a bit tired of constantly having to help me (it's not his job and he's not getting paid for it).

I would really just need to know if it's possible to run the installation and get the site up and running with the httpd.conf writable, but also if it will stay up and running once we change the httpd.conf to readonly.
I don't know anything about what you mean by your

I would really just need to know if it's possible to run the installation and get the site up and running with the httpd.conf writable, but also if it will stay up and running once we change the httpd.conf to readonly.

I personally did virtual sub-domains at least for one project. Where registered users have their own pages like http://username.project.com/. I used *.project.com for it. But I can not help you without knowing details and talk in abstracto.

I'd suggest Googling these forums to see if anyone has done it successfully.

Google: multi-domain wordpress installation site:www.directadmin.com
