writting a custom billing manager


Verified User
Sep 11, 2004
Temecula, CA
a friend of mine turned me on to direct admin and i'm considering using it for myself and my clients. i'm more of a developer rather than a host though.

i'm writting to ask if there is any documentation on creating a customer billing manager, .. or if i'd just have to hack through the db schema to figure it out myself.

i've looked at whoiscart, but i would really like a more custom solution since i can write it myself.

any info would be much apreciated.

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I actually was looking for a custom billing solution too. I started looking around and found that clientexec, although not 100% customable and is encrypted, works rather well in the billing field both in support and in making sure invoices are managed properly. They also just added a DA plug in to allow auto creation of clients.

Check it out.
Our billing system is quite simple.

Users who signup on our order form are entered into a mysql db. Once the signup is paid for and approved, we click a "create account on server" button and that is that.

Within the admin area of this system we have a list of all our servers and the users on each server. There is an "(un)suspend" and "remove" option for each user.

As for payment management and notification, right now we are still small enough to manage everything using one person (my partner) and excel. Once my partner feels it's too much work I'll implement auto notifications, account balances, etc..

Again, it's very basic. :)