Wrong IP/hostname on server-status


Verified User
Oct 3, 2010
Hi guys,

I've just noticed, that my server-status is reporting from another IP.
I visit my web-02 server-status and see this as the title: Apache Server Status for web-2 (via 89.xxx.xx.xx).
The hostname is correct here, but the "via IP" is one of my other VPS's.

When I look down the page I see the hostname matching the "via IP" in the VHOST column.

I don't think its been like that before, I would have noticed and non of the matching VPS's with matching setup is doing this.

Any ideas. I can't Google this, I wouldn't know what to call it and "server-status via" doesn't give anything useful.

Hello Thomas,

Do you connect via your other
VPS? Proxy? VPN? Port forwarding?

Or web-02 redirects requests to
your other VPS?
Hello Thomas,

Do you connect via your other
VPS? Proxy? VPN? Port forwarding?

Or web-02 redirects requests to
your other VPS?

Hi zEitEr,

No nothing like that, I just visit http://web-02.xxxxx.dk/server-status directly.
Looking at it now, the IP has changed to the correct one, same with the hostname.
I havn't touched anything.

I have the screenshots to prove it, but would rather not share the urls and IPs :)

This is really strange...
Some virtual platform hosters / clouds use dhcp and / or such as port forwarding.

Some script / config files are then replaced at a reboot, take care for such if so here?