XFS Warning


Verified User
May 14, 2009

Since yesterday i recieve every hour at the same time this email:
Time: Wed Mar 24 20:52:03 2010 +0100
Account: xfs
Resource: Process Time
Exceeded: 9067 > 1800 (seconds)
Executable: /usr/bin/xfs
Command Line: xfs -droppriv -daemon
PID: 3259
Killed: No

I know how to exclude it in configserver, but there must be some reason why it's taking more resources.

Is it harmeless and safe to exclude or is futher investigation needed?

Any advice or help would be welcome!

I did update the system last week, but don't know it xfs was included....
Excessive resource usage: xfs

I have the same problem now I have made some updates.
I restarted csf and lfd.
I still have the same problem.

Time: Fri Oct 7 21:09:58 2011 -0400
Account: xfs
Resource: Process Time
Exceeded: 239721 > 1800 (seconds)
Executable: /usr/bin/xfs
Command Line: xfs -droppriv -daemon
PID: 2766
Killed: No

Any idea what else to try?
I have the same problem now I have made some updates.
I restarted csf and lfd.
I still have the same problem.
Time: Wed Oct 19 07:01:03 2011 +0330
Account: xfs
Resource: Process Time
Exceeded: 39614 > 1800 (seconds)
Executable: /usr/bin/xfs
Command Line: xfs -droppriv -daemon
PID: 5367
Killed: No