xinetd didn't start on reboot?


Verified User
Apr 8, 2004
I rebooted my system, and noticed xinetd did not start up for some reason, I had to manually do it.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should check?

On a RedHat Linux system, look for:


where the question marks are replaced by a two-digit integer.

Is it there?

what does this do exactly anyway, or what does each level of numbers mean?

And any idea why this would switch off?

lnguyen said:
what does this do exactly anyway, or what does each level of numbers mean?
Already well by skruf.
And any idea why this would switch off?
Are you sure it was switched off, that it was once on?

It shouldn't switch off unless someone did it. I didn't; might you have? Does anyone else have access to the server?

You can look through ~/.bash_history to see if anyone issued a chkconfig command or renamed anything in the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d directory.

nope, only the list commands I did are there... I did restart xinetd a couple of times before I rebooted, but I don't think that'd do anything.

The only other thing that's happened is an update to 1.22.4
lnguyen said:
The only other thing that's happened is an update to 1.22.4
As I'm sure you've noticed, at least a few people have reported problems with the last DA update or two; I've been holding off on updating, though I'm going to do a new build this weekend on WBEL with the latest updates.

At this point I'd say "it happened and we don't know why" and leave it at that.

Are you currently running logwatch on your server? If not, I can install it for you; it'll send you a (possibly long) email every morning that will tell you, among other things, who's logged in to your server during the past 24 hours.

lnguyen said:
it's actually K56

The K?? files are only for shutdown. During startup only the files starting with S?? are executed. You should have both a K?? and S?? for each service. The ?? numbers will be different since, they need to be stopped in a different order than they were started.
toml said:
The K?? files are only for shutdown. During startup only the files starting with S?? are executed. You should have both a K?? and S?? for each service.
Please read the documentation and make sure you understand it before you write something like your reply, above.

Or else it gets into the archives where people tend to find it in a search and believe it without reading the rest of the context.

Every runlevel has either an S file or a K file for each daemon.

When a runlevel is started the system doesn't care if it's just exited a previous runleve or started afresh...

The S files will be run to start the daemons, the K files will be run to stop the daemons, should they still be running.

Here's the contents of my /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ directory on one of my RHL 7.3 systems:
K15postgresql  K65krb524     S08iptables  S45named         S85vm-pop3d
K16rarpd       K65krb5kdc    S10network   S55sshd          S90crond
K20nfs         K70aep1000    S11startips  S56rawdevices    S90mysqld
K25squid       K70bcm5820    S12syslog    S56xinetd        S95anacron
K34yppasswdd   K74nscd       S13portmap   S80da-popb4smtp  S95atd
K46radvd       K74ntpd       S14nfslock   S80directadmin   S97rhnsd
K50snmpd       K74ypserv     S17keytable  S80exim          S99local
K50snmptrapd   K74ypxfrd     S20random    S80spamd
K65identd      S05kudzu      S25netfs     S85gpm
K65kadmin      S08ip6tables  S26apmd      S85httpd
K65kprop       S08ipchains   S28autofs    S85proftpd

What I said was not wrong. You perhaps didn't read it properly. I never said at all that the K and S had to be in the run level directory. Only that the K was used to stop and the S was used to start, and that there should be one of each for a service. I should have added that not all will have both, since some only need to be run at startup or shutdown depending on what exactly they are trying to do.

In this case lnguyen was saying he had on a K??xinetd file and I was trying to let him know that this was not going to start xinetd, and that an S??xinetd file is needed for that purpose.
Thanks you guys. That was very helpful. Mine wasn't set to "on" for run level 3 either... I wondered why it wasn't starting either... Now it is :D
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