XSL package


New member
Mar 25, 2009

I'm trying to install PeopleAggregator (cms). PeopleAggregator was unable to run the setup because :
FATAL: XSL extension is not installed; your host probably needs to install a PHP XML/XSL package.

So i tryed to install it by doing this :
yum install libgcrypt-devel libxslt-devel

Both succesfully installed

Adding a couple of lines to configure.php5 in the custombuild/configure/ap2/ directory :

--with-dom=/usr/lib \
--with-dom-exslt=/usr/lib \
then u used ./build clean followed by ./build php n

i noticed during the build this message :

Notice: Following unknown configure options were used:


Check './configure --help' for available options
(Why are they unknown ?? does that effect anything?)

But i just ignored in tryed installing PeopleAggregator anyway but it didnt work same error as before.
When i use php -i | grep DOM i get :
DOM/XML => enabled
DOM/XML API Version => 20031129
When i use php -i | grep XSL i get nothing

i have :

Compiled on Redhat CentOS 5.0
Server Version 1.33.1
Current Available Version 1.331000
Last Updated Mon Mar 23 16:07:11 2009

Does anyone know the solution for this problem ? im really getting frustrated :D

With kind regards
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Use the following instead of your configure options: --with-xsl
same problem but getting error

[root@srv2 custombuild]# php -i | grep XSL
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/php_xsl.dll' - /usr/local/lib/php/php_xsl.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

how can i solve that?
Something must be wrong linux doesnt support dll's .... you need a .so
Cannot get php_xsl.so installed

I have added --with-xsl to the config file, I have recompiled php through custombuild several times. But I cannot get this to work. I really need XSLT support enabled in PHP. I installed expat and Sablot from source. I installed the sablotron rpm. I installed the php-common and php-xml rpms as well. I am really aggravated with this situation.

I get the following on recompiling php:

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/php_curl.so' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/php_curl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/php_xsl.so' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/php_xsl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

I have done a find / -name php_xsl.so and cannot find it anywhere on the server, as well as the php_curl.so

I am using Centos 5 with DirectAdmin. I am on a 64 bit machine.

...Basically, there are several CMS modules that I NEED and that depend on this package. For instance, there is a very nice html import module for Drupal, which depends on this package and I am getting the following errors:

# user error: No XSL library support at all on this server! in /home/myuser/domains/mydomain.com/public_html/subdomain1/modules/import_html/coders_php_library/xml-transform.inc on line 38.
# user error: Sorry, with no XML support there will be no content scanning AT ALL. Aborting process. See the import_html_help.htm for info on enabling XML under PHP. in /home/myuser/domains/mydomain.com/public_html/subdomain1/modules/import_html/import_html_process.inc on line 507.

I would appreciate a quick but useful reply to get me going.

...Also, I cannot figure out how to get the php_curl.so file installed.
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Have you actually installed libxslt and libxslt-devel? This has to be done before trying to add it to php.

Thanks for your reply, floyd. Yes, I did install those two. ...What could be preventing getting this installed?

...In general, I am very dissatisfied doing things the DirectAdmin way. It would have been much easier to get certain things installed and working, without DirectAdmin. Obviously, DirectAdmin comes with major advantages in administrating accounts and domain hosting, etc, but I have such a problem with PECL and other installations.
I read your post a little closer.

I installed the php-common and php-xml rpms as well.

You cannot do that. In fact php* should be included in the yum.conf exclude line.

In general, I am very dissatisfied doing things the DirectAdmin way.

That is because you didn't do it the DA way. You did it your way by installing php rpm's.

All php modules have to be compiled manually.

I read your post a little closer.

You cannot do that. In fact php* should be included in the yum.conf exclude line.

That is because you didn't do it the DA way. You did it your way by installing php rpm's.

All php modules have to be compiled manually.

Understood. Thank you for explaining. ...I see a lot of discussions on the forums here though, with people using the rpm's. I think I may have even seen Jeff recommending rpm's or something. I guess they are all doing it the wrong way. ...I have no problem trying to install everything manually, although the yum and the rpm's are MUCH more convenient.

...Should I uninstall all of the rpm's? Can I get some confirmation on this? ...Or is this only applying to PHP?

...By the way, I have spent so much time trying to get my PHP straightened out, I haven't even gotten to Perl and Ruby. Eeeek!
Determining what I have now

I guess I need to determine what I actually have now (as far as PHP and rpm's), uninstall the rpm's and install the modules manually. Would you be so kind as to recommend a path of action for me?

...I do know that the way to do things with DA is through the configuration.php5, editing it and adding --with, etc. I wish there was a complete cheetsheet on this whole thing, so that I could refer to it.

...Also, if you see the other thread, apparently I have a problem with my phpize and it had to do with an upgrade of the scripts, including Zend. I am not sure how to sort all of that out.
You should have this in your yum.conf file:

exclude=apache* httpd* mod_* mysql* MySQL* da_* *ftp* exim* sendmail* php* bind-chroot*

rpm is NOT a good way to update these things because you will never get the latest version. JBMC has never recommended to use rpm's for the above.

For instance the current rpm for php on CentOS is 5.1.6 Using custombuild its 5.3.3
Would you be so kind as to recommend a path of action for me?

I am not sure what to tell you at this point since I don't know how bad your system is right now. I am thinking you can backup and start over faster than you can fix it.
DA build update_versions

It was after I did the ./build update_versions that caused the most severe problems. Zend 3.3.3 is not compatible with PHP 5.3.3. And then phpize stopped working.

I understand what you are talking about backing up and starting over, but that is an impossible thought for me right now. ...What I really need to do is have a way to make sure DA's settings are correct and have DA do a fresh build.

... *SIGH*

I would like a clear way to uninstall everything relating to PHP, Zend, etc and try to get all of that going properly. ...I wish DA would do things the CentOS way; that's the real issue. It is much more convenient to do everything through yum and rpm.
I wish DA would do things the CentOS way; that's the real issue. It is much more convenient to do everything through yum and rpm.

Not every operating system is CentOS, or uses yum, or uses RPM. And again with yum and rpm's you will never get the most up to date software.

Not every operating system is CentOS, or uses yum, or uses RPM. And again with yum and rpm's you will never get the most up to date software.

But I guess DA did not anticipate the incompatibility between Zend 3.3.3 and PHP 5.3.3, yet these are the most up-to-date?

Again, I think that DA should work based on the OS and not the other way around. It causes a whole lot of unnecessary complications. And there were many times when I just went and got the RPM myself (wget) to get the most up-to-date one and then did an rpm -Uvh on it.
I think that DA should work based on the OS and not the other way around.

Then be prepared to pay a lot more. The way they do things is so there is less work involved and therefore lower prices.

Its seems we have gotten of topic now. You need to uninstall the rpm's you should not have installed and then go back and install via custombuild.

I do already have the following, in my yum.conf:

exclude=apache* httpd* mod_* mysql* MySQL* da_* *ftp* exim* sendmail* php* bind-chroot*

Thanks for your last reply. I do understand and sort-of agree, based on your reasoning. It's just a learning curve here, trying to do things a totally different way. Hopefully I will eventually get used to it and I may even enjoy it more. :-)

...Okay, I will see what I can do, uninstalling the rpm's. Should I uninstall Zend and try to get a previous release? or stick with PHP 5.2.14?