You do not have permission to make changes to this document


Verified User
May 3, 2004
Frontpage 2002 or 2003, same problem. I have set up a new user and I have enabled Fp exp on site...I have done this numberous times before...but now...

When I try to open site vie dedicated IP address of site...I enter user id and password but cannot get in. Keeps telling me "You do not have permission to make changes to this document. Do you want to open a read only copy?"

I can open all my other webs...but nothing I try to set up today. I am not concerned with DNS settings as this site is development only. Please tell me what to check to get this fixed.
Thank you

You must use the full domain name when using frontpage. Just using the IP won't work.

If you don't have dns setup, then you'd need to edit your hosts file on your local computer to fool your machine to get the domain to resolve to whatever you want.
