Your opinion please! All-in-one system


Verified User
Nov 24, 2004
Hong Kong
are you feeling troublesome that need to buy lots of software in order to start a hosting business?

we are thinking of making an All-in-one System that consists of these modules
1, Billing (integrate with Control panel)
2, Support Desk+live chat
3, Forum / community
4, CRM
5, Uptime Monitor
6, Accounting

Each modules will integreate will each others

we currently have the billing (with directadmin) and uptime monitor parts for internal use

if we finish it we will sell it by licencing, customers will able to choose their favourite modules, or just buy them all.

Do you think this system is worth to develop?
how much would you pay for each / all modules?
would you like to see any other modules?
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personally I would think this idea is really great, save money from buying other too.

But that is provided the live chat is good, and the billing is useful(as compared to modernbill and kayako etc)
I would love to see an all-in-one solutions. But honestly I'd prefer a control panel integrating the DirectAdmin API, MBAPI and others above having everything within DirectAdmin.
getUP said:
I would love to see an all-in-one solutions. But honestly I'd prefer a control panel integrating the DirectAdmin API, MBAPI and others above having everything within DirectAdmin.
yes, the billing system we are using internally is integrated with directadmin