Zend and ionCube


Verified User
Jun 21, 2004
System is RH9
We have Zend installed and have ZendOptimizer and mmCache installed.

The email software we use is made with ionCube and we want to be able to use the ionCube version to get added enhancements (the non-ioncube version does not have all the features)

While we are looking at ionCube, we notice we can use phpAccelerator so we are thinking of getting rid of ZendOptimizer and mmCache to change for phpAccelerator.

Question: Can we leave Zend installed AND install ionCube and have them run simultaneously? We ask because our billing software is Zend Encoded.

Any information would be great...
thanks for the response.

you can't run phpAccelerator and ZendOptimizer at the same time, can you? I don't know what the benefit would be.

I guess when it comes to these two apps, which one do I use? If ZendOptimizer is included in DA and will be part of newer versions of PHP, I dont know if it is a good idea to remove ZendOptimizer and install phpAccelerator (even though many people comment that phpAccelerator is more conservative on the resources and in many cases, runs faster)
You can run Zend Optimizer and PHPAccelerator at the same time as Zend Extensions from your php.ini

Or you can run ionCube and PHPAccelerator as Zend Extensions.

How ever you can't currently run all 3 as Zend Extensions.

This is why I suggested "Run Time Loading" of ionCube, therefore solving your problem.

i ended up loading ioncube to /usr/local/ioncube and created a symlink from /home/user/ioncube. Ran the helper file and it looks like it is running just fine.
This is so we can run it in run-time like you mentioned.

I think we are going to stick with ZendOptimizer for now since we have been running it for a long time and we have not had any problems with it. We might look at adding phpAccelerator but I am not sure what it would gain us.

Thanks for the info...
I've found that PHPAccelerator is by far better at speeding web page load times up then anything else.

I highly reccommend it.

if we have zend optimizer and php accelerator running in tandem, i think i would remove the turchMMcache. I am sure that would only cause problems.