Zend Opt.


Verified User
Sep 17, 2004
I'm compelet newb when it comes to directadmin.
I just realized that DA doesn't install Zend Opt. on my server just wondering if there is any easy way I could install it.

My os is FreeBSD 4.x

DirectAdmin will isntall Zend, it just won't by default. You can do it using customapache

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build zend
it may look silly, but after using command line, SSH unziped a file and there is this new line

location of php.ini
press return to continue...

which one is "return" ? when i press any button nothing is happening.

by the way do i have to restart Apache afterwards?
Thanks mate,
now I'm getting

File already exists: ZendOptimizer-2.5.3-freebsd4.0-i386.tar.gz

location of php.ini
press return to continue.

when i press enter its like it jumps 100 line to a blank page.
I have found the problem. It is a flaw in the 2.5.3 version that DA uses. I downloaded the 2.5.5 binary and it worked fine:)
Until DA updates customapache here is what you can do.

Download the 2.5.5 binary for your operating system from http://www.zend.com/store/free_download.php

Extract it, cd into the directory, and run ./install
then follow the on-screen instructions :p
Thats basically what customapache does anyway.
As of today, DA is using the Zend 2.5.5. binary.

If anyone has problems, please be sure to run

./build update

before attempting any customapache installs.