zlib not found but it's there


NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Jun 16, 2003
We just finished a customapache update on a client server.

Everything ran smoothly until ./build all d.

Right at the end of that run we got this message:
configure: error: z library not found... please install zlib.
Trying to make webalizer...
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
I checked and zlib was installed properly on the server (I matched it against another server which updates successfully). We found the RPM installed on both this server and the reference server. We also found the installation from customapache properly made in customapache on both machines, but we reran the config/make test/make install trinity on the subject machine anyway.

Same problem.

I don't know if Webalizer is going to work or not, but I presume not.

Any ideas?

i came across the same error a couple weeks ago, same situation. i think i reinstalled zlib from ports (freebsd 6.2) and was then able to go through custombuild successfully.

webalizer works on that server as far as i can tell. the one site on that server right now doesn't get much traffic, but it has stats.
Well..webalizer should actually be a precompiled binary from:
the build script will only try to compile it if /usr/bin/webalizer doesn't exist.
So I'd recommend trying to install a precompiled binary.

If you do want to compile your own, this is the configure line:
./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} --with-png=/usr/local/lib --with-gdlib=/usr/local/lib --with-gd=/usr/local/include --enable-dns --with-dblib --with-db --with-z-inc --with-zlib
note that --with-zlib has no path argument. You may need to set it to --with-zlib=/usr or something like that, to get it to find it.

Make sure you have the zlib-devel rpm as well.

I installed the webalizer binary, and afterwards the customapache update worked.

Which leaves a few questions:

1) how did it not get installed in the first place

2) why did the default webalizer install inside the .build script not work.

Oh well.
