Evolution skin link

Where is the link to download the latest skin? Thanks

I think it is already included in the Directadmin updates. To update manually I use this procedure:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins
mkdir evolution
cd evolution
wget -O evolution.tar.gz https://demo.directadmin.com/download/evolution.tar.gz
tar xvzf evolution.tar.gz
cd ..
chown -R diradmin:diradmin evolution

You also have a script created by Alex to automate the process: https://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=58078

Thanks, thats bad. It was my last hope to unzip it over my present evolution, because i also stuck in the "Oops, Privileges needed to load the skin have not been granted .." error, after trying to upgrade from an older system via CB GUI.
All other mentioned steps here in the forum in the other thread, i did already tried (build all, OS update, alpha/stable DA versions, fix file permissions script ...)
Double switch from stable <=> current will let you update the Evolution skin.
Yes it works again! Thank you very much!

I cant believe it - i even tried yesterday this route: da update current -> da update beta -> da update alpha -> da update current , but not yours with stable.. :)