Exim - upcoming security release - 2025-03-26

Will there be a quick update to the DA repositories to update Exim or do we have to wait for a new release?
Yet another reason why Custombuild should not be connected to DirectAdmin updates.

I don't particularly want to rush a 1.675 DirectAdmin update - and all the issues that always come to light when new DirectAdmin releases are first released - just to get this Exim update.
It looks like it can be exploited by a local user. That makes it a bit less critical (I think?).
I am waiting however until it is released for DirectAdmin to roll out updates tonight if possible.

With safe and kind regards
Yet another reason why Custombuild should not be connected to DirectAdmin updates.

I don't particularly want to rush a 1.675 DirectAdmin update - and all the issues that always come to light when new DirectAdmin releases are first released - just to get this Exim update.
Last time they quickly released hotfixes for stable and current branches so no actual new version was needed.
Old way was easier to customize too, I still like the old method more. But I can understand why it's changed. Takes some getting used too also.