[1st ANNOUNCEMENT] Virus-Filter/Blocker

DennisCitus said:
I'd like a virusscanner which scans all email for virusses. It tags the headers that this was a virus and it tags the subject *** VIRUS ***.

It also has to remove the virus and add an attachment called virus.txt with short virus-information.

:D :D :D :D
That will never be included in VirusBlocker because VirusBlocker will refuse to accept emails with a virus included. So they won't remain on the server, and there'll be nothing to edit.

jjasman can you layout this part of the config like so.

driver = dnslookup
# domains = ! +local_domains
ignore_target_hosts =
self = pass
same_domain_copy_routing = true
transport = remote_smtp

so if a domain is hosted on the same server it still does a MX lookup and the result overides it if not local, the purpose of this is so if a user sign's up and uses an email on the same domain still hosted elsewhere they will get the email, on the default config it would deliver locally and fail.
I can.

But I won't. Not as a standard.

You can change it yourself, or have me change it, as custom work (warning: we're not cheap).

Now as to what would change my mind:

If the DA staff decide they'd rather do it that way, then I'll go along with them.

But otherwise I won't change the behavior as it's quite standard for exim, and on a busy server can save a lot of MX lookups.

No worries I guess I just need to remember to change it if I update my config. I just happen to prefer ensuring mail reaches its destination over a few seconds of speed.
I'll tell you what...

If you can get any of the proclaimed "experts" on exim-users to agree that exim should always use MX lookup even if it thinks it's supposed to manage email for a domain, I'll change it and convince Mark and John :) .

So find the exim-users list (hint: it's an exim.org list) and ask away.


I am already on the user list. The difference here is directadmin is a control panel, exim can be used on its own without a control panel, ask yourself this. How many users on that exim mailing list use exim with a control panel? Directadmin has a function of sending out welcome emails, some of these welcome emails go to email addresses that are on the domain that is to be hosted on directadmin, do you think its sensible to have directadmin deliver that email locally?

If the default config is to remain the same then perhaps directadmin should be changed so it either rejects signup mails matching the domain or it does mx lookups for singup emails regardless of local or not.

If you do a search on these forums you will find a few have had problems with this scenario.

I think we should stop here, I feel bad going off topic on the thread, if you want to leave that part of config alone then thats fine with me as I said I will just edit it to suit myself.
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In my opinion the fact that the server is being managed by a control doesn't change the specific issues involved.

I am willing to change my opinion, if I get some reasonable input from other exim users.

And of course John may decide to change my exim.conf file before using it, or not use it at all.

I'm now of the opinion that on a hosting server it makes more sense for exim to always use MX lookup.

However I won't even take my own word for it; I'll check with some of the real email gurus out there before I make any changes on my own.
