550 authentication required


If squirrelmail can use IMAP, but Outlook can't, it sounds to me like a firewall is blocking port 143. Check that your iptables is lettings port 143 through, or you can just type:

service iptables stop

to see if it's blocking the port.

DirectAdmin Support said:

If squirrelmail can use IMAP, but Outlook can't, it sounds to me like a firewall is blocking port 143. Check that your iptables is lettings port 143 through, or you can just type:

service iptables stop

to see if it's blocking the port.


May want to flush your rules before doing that.... else you get that risk of being booted :D

ok after further testing i still have this problem.

I can send email from uebmail to anywhere first time. However through squirrelmail i can only send to domain's that i have sent to before. If i am trying to send to a domain i have not sent to before i get the 550 error. However if i open up another ie window and log into ueimail and then send the email it's works first time, I am then able to send to that domain from squirrelmail.

It's like the domain has to be added before it can be sent.

Any idea's


Not too sure. If you want us to have a look, sent us your full server info (ip, root pass, admin pass, email account, email password) and a description of the problem.

Edit this file:



$smtp_auth_mech = 'none';

to show:

$smtp_auth_mech = 'login';
while (sizeof(explode('.', $domain)) > 2) {
   $domain = substr($domain, strpos($domain, '.') + 1);
DirectAdmin Support:

Please integrate the above code from toml into the squirrelmail/config/config.php script for future versions of DirectAdmin. It seems to be a solution to the problem some of us have had with sending from Squirrelmail on my virtual domains. I'm really forced to wonder why this was not included with my new DA install, but no matter.

Thanks, I've added this gross little piece of perl in the squirrelmail.sh script to do it ;) (slightly obfuscated)
perl -pi -e "s/\'example.com\';/\\$\_SERVER\[\'HTTP_HOST\'\];\nwhile \(sizeof\(explode\(\'\.\', \\$\domain\)\) \> 2) {\n\t\\$\domain = substr(\\$\domain, strpos\(\\$\domain, \'\.\'\) \+ 1\);\n\}/" /var/www/html/squirrelmail/config/config.php

Edit: there *are* backslashes in front of of the ' characters.. the forum just isn't showing them.
