a shared ip now resolves to a specific website?


Verified User
Jun 24, 2003
The Netherlands
The reseller's IP *.125 I'm using now all of a sudden points to a customer website. I'd like to get the "This IP is shared" index back, how would I go about?

And for my main IP I'd like to point it to my own website. Where are these settings located?

Reseller Panel -> IP Assignment -> Select the ip and click "Free Selected"

Note that there must be zero users on that IP if you want to "free" it.

To assign yourself and IP, you must first make sure that you have the IP assigned to your Reseller Panel:
Admin Panel -> IP Manager -> select the IP -> assign to <select your name>

At this point you'll have the IP available to yourself for creating user and sites on it.

Then you go to:
Reseller Panel -> List / Modify Accounts -> Modify Your own User Data -> Set IP to <select the ip you want> ->click "Save".

That will set your site to that IP.

Yes I know but I wasn't referring to how to assign users to my own ip address ;)

Normally you get the message:

"This IP is being shared among many domains.
To view the domain you are looking for, simply enter the domain name in the location bar of your web browser."

Now all of a sudden one of the ip's (which I assigned to several resellers) is pointing to one resellers website. Somewhere there must be a virtual host or something that does this. Where do I set the 'primary' website for the ip?

If the Reseller controls the IP and has it set to shared, then the Reseller gets to decide what goes on the share IP page.


is where the page is found.

There is no 1 reseller, there are more. I put all my resellers on the same IP so I'd like to decide what page get's on that ip ;)

There must be some virtualhost for the ip adress right? Where would that be located?

It's located in


but is overwritten each time a change is made in the admin ip manager. If you it to get rewritten, just click "Delete" for the selected IPs in the IP manager, *without* selecting any IPs. This will force a rewrite of that file and will hopefully fix the problem.

Ok, I've had a look at that file, and I saw something strange.

NameVirtualHost *.*.*.125:80
NameVirtualHost *.*.*.125:443

and then normaly you would get "<VirtualHost *.*.*.125:80>" but that wasn't present. There was no virtual host present and as a result there was no documentroot for the *.125.

I guessed this has something to do with the fact that the ip was not 'owned' by anyone, so I added the reseller "admin" to the ip file in /local/directadmin/data/admin/ips and clicked the delete button without ip's selected. This solved the problem and the virtualhost came back.

So anyone having the same problem : check to see if the ip actually has a virtual host.