Add-on scripts & integration / Kudos

welpers, I guess I'll be watching for the API schtuff on this one. Meanwhile I'll be coding out some major enhancements over on the cart ;)

Is there anyway of monitoring the progress of the implementation this feature/ability?

Mister Ed
How is the plugin.conf file going to set up? Will it be part of the plugin.tar.gz file?

Also, when one updates a plugin, how will updates work? Which file in the new tar.gz will be run to apply any changes? I think I'd also like to beable to specify a "build" value in the .conf file. Right now I do updates like this:
if ( old_build < 5 )
// stuff updating from build 4 to 5 

if ( old_build < 4 )
// stuff updating from build 3 to 4

So the build file would be passed the old, pre-update build value.

It's looking good though :)
What if, for your installer, you have it copy a file called "current_version.txt" or something.. which is *not* in the tar.gz. Then DA updates will call an script you include which can peek in that file to see what the last version was.

I guess we can make all plugins installable from within the Admin Panel.

The plugin.conf file should be in the tar.gz and will end up being overwritten with each update.

*Actually... you could just create the plugin.conf with your installer, and update it as you need to with the updater.. I'll leave the door open so you guys can do what you want. DA will call for new install and for updates (the "plan" at this point).

Note that the versions system holds what has currently been planned thus far, but by no means is it guranteed to stay that way. :) .. so be ready for changes to it before it's finalized.

There are a few more changes (havn't updated the versions system quite yet).. but here's a screen shot...."Hey, you look different.. did you get a haircut?" :D

I've changed it so that you can decide if you want your plugin.conf to be included in the plugin.tar.gz file or not. The issue was that if it *is* there, updates would overwrite the old file which held the "active" and "installed" values. What I did was read in those values if the file exists, then extract the plugins.tar.gz, then rewrite the 2 values back to it. It no longer matters, but I'd say "yes" you should include the plugin.conf file in your tar.gz file :)

Additions include a callback for current version #, where it contacts the included url to "version_url=http://...." to display the current available version of your plugin. Also, it has a built in updater so it downloads, extracts and upates your plugins for you (runs ./scripts/




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Hey guys,

Is the plugin system ready? It's been released I know, but is it ready to build around? I have a zillion plugin ideas :-D

Also, since the new skin has been released, are the power skins and default skins still being updated by Mark and John?

Matt :)

PS How many plugins can we add?
Hey :)

I'm currently converting Installatron over to the plugin system. The plugin API/system itself is working 100%. I'd like yet to see another API or two, but that's just extra stuff.

We should see iTron v2.0 this evening :)

thoroughfare said:
PS How many plugins can we add?
For default skin there are 3 plugins limit for user, 4 for reseller, 4 for admin panels.
For enchanced skin there are 4 plugins limit for user, 4 for reseller and 4 for admin panels.

I think this number is too small. Plugins system is very simple so there will be lots of plugins. I think it is better to set to 10 plugins for every panel or something like that.

There are 5 plugin hook tokens that are set to "" (for when no plugin exists). I'll up that to 10.. the actual tokens in the skins can be upto the skin designer.. I'll up it to 6 in our skins. If a skin designer goes past the limit without any plugins, then they'll see unfilled tokens on their page... you'd only add more tokens than the limit if you actually have more plugins.. they'll be filled all the way up so that all plugins get a token.
