Solved Adding ipv6 afther install to server

Its good to see you are still around.
Thank you, I'm happy about that too.

Try switching to Enhanced skin, I find that more clear. Just temporarily.

Then in admin enter on the upper line of ip manager the ipv6 and the lower only /64 nothing else.
It might give an error notice, reload page, check if it's there, if not then add it the same way another time. Happens to me too, no problem.

Then it should be present and visible.

Do you already have the ipv6 present on your network card?

So in SSH as root if you issue this command:
ip a
then there should be 2 ip addresses, 1 starts with FE80:xx:xx:xx etc. and the second one should be your real ip address.

If that is not present then normally DA should add it if you add it via the ip manager.
Thank you, I'm happy about that too.

Try switching to Enhanced skin, I find that more clear. Just temporarily.

Then in admin enter on the upper line of ip manager the ipv6 and the lower only /64 nothing else.
It might give an error notice, reload page, check if it's there, if not then add it the same way another time. Happens to me too, no problem.

Then it should be present and visible.

Do you already have the ipv6 present on your network card?

So in SSH as root if you issue this command:
ip a
then there should be 2 ip addresses, 1 starts with FE80:xx:xx:xx etc. and the second one should be your real ip address.

If that is not present then normally DA should add it if you add it via the ip manager.
Thanks for your help found and older thread where you also deald with this and got it working although it still says free, liniking it via ipv4 it added the ip everywhere and dns records it just looks odd:
You might better remove that screenshot or mask the ip's in there partly.

liniking it via ipv4 it added the ip everywhere and dns records it just looks odd:
This screenshot is from the ip manager, not from DNS.

Exactly what do you find odd?