Allow up to 9 different PHP versions not working or only for non-legacy license?


Verified User
Jan 30, 2012

According to this: it should be possible to compile up to 9 PHP version, so I check that on my test server and switch to alpha channel and although I was technically able to compile 9 PHP version by setting them as addidional php_release after all of this ended I can't see more than 4 versions in DA interface so my question is: is this functionality not fully implemented yet (yes I know it is alpha stage) or is it reserved only for non legacy liceces?

According to this: it should be possible to compile up to 9 PHP version, so I check that on my test server and switch to alpha channel and although I was technically able to compile 9 PHP version by setting them as addidional php_release after all of this ended I can't see more than 4 versions in DA interface so my question is: is this functionality not fully implemented yet (yes I know it is alpha stage) or is it reserved only for non legacy liceces?
We haven't found any issues. Are you sure your system is in alpha channel? I guess it may have auto-downgraded if auto-updates are set and update channel isn't alpha :) Please check the active version of DA on your server.
if auto-updates are set and update channel isn't alpha :) Please check the active version of DA on your server.
You are right - DA was downgraded again, when I switch it back to alpha 9 PHP versions are available for the legacy licence - unbelievable ;)
daaaaaamn.... 9 ??? I was worried about having to drop one to upgrade a client to 8.2... 9 might be a bit much, but I can take it :)

Thanks ;)