Almalinux or rocky linux as successors to centos 8 and will DA support almalinux ?


Verified User
Nov 24, 2016
I am curious how many of the centos users here are already thinking about switching to Almalinux in 2021. or maybe to rocky linux as an alternative for a stable centos successor ?

Is directadmin going to support almalinux as OS?


There already have been posts about this.

In general users are thinking about it but considering most have at least a year to do something the consensus is there is no rush.

DA I am sure will support something. The decision to do that will not be done based on a month or so of just general talk.

I was a Centos user and have switched some of my server to debian and freebsd. I like switching and rebuilding so it all fun for me. The ones with 100s or 1000s of servers will be waiting.
I am currently using centos7 , but can't decide between centos 8 with almalinux or Ubuntu 20.10
I have on my servers CentOS8. I will wait until end of the year at least and then decide, what i will do. At moment there is no need to rush, like bdacus01 said it already, as long as you have only a hand full of servers and not thousands.

Until the year we should see already, which version is "the one to go" and also which version directadmin is supporting. For me personal i hope, its a version, which is really easy to change to, like almalinux for example said "with a simple command you can switch from centos8 to almalinux". But if its in the end really easy like this, nobody knows at moment. Only time will tell... Patience is the key at moment.

I have on my servers CentOS8. I will wait until end of the year at least and then decide, what i will do. At moment there is no need to rush, like bdacus01 said it already, as long as you have only a hand full of servers and not thousands.

Until the year we should see already, which version is "the one to go" and also which version directadmin is supporting. For me personal i hope, its a version, which is really easy to change to, like almalinux for example said "with a simple command you can switch from centos8 to almalinux". But if its in the end really easy like this, nobody knows at moment. Only time will tell... Patience is the key at moment.

As far as I'm aware, DirectAdmin works fine with every distro based on RHEL already (RHEL itself, CentOS, CloudLinux, Oracle Linux - and Alma Linux + Rocky whenever they come out) so there's no need for them to pick one to support.
Noob here, first post. I asked my datacenter to install Alma Linux 8.4 minimal and DirectAdmin on my main production server. The tech asked me for a link to the ISO, so maybe I'm on the bleeding edge.

It is working and the only trouble I'/m having is getting my ancient brain to wrap around the way one adds an existing site to DA.
I have on my servers CentOS8. I will wait until end of the year at least and then decide, what i will do. At moment there is no need to rush, like bdacus01 said it already, as long as you have only a hand full of servers and not thousands.

Until the year we should see already, which version is "the one to go" and also which version directadmin is supporting. For me personal i hope, its a version, which is really easy to change to, like almalinux for example said "with a simple command you can switch from centos8 to almalinux". But if its in the end really easy like this, nobody knows at moment. Only time will tell... Patience is the key at moment.

For alma it looks like a kind of simple switch with this

Tested on fresh DA centos8 install first did some optimize things and some test users and domains also csf to compare a before and after the migration.
I've been running DA on AlmaLinux 8 for a while and all looks good.
Does anyone have some first hand experience (Pros & Cons) using DA on both CentOS/Alma vs Debian ?
Almost a month now running Alma Linux and DA on my main production server, smooth sailing.
How difficult or smoothless had been the switch to Almalinux on your production server? Have you been switching vom CentOS8 to Almalinux?
I had been running CentOS 7 and cPanel. I backed up my accounts to a hard drive in the main server and then migrated them to a backup Webmin server. Then I had my datacenter techs install Alma and DA, then brought the sites back from the internal hard drive.

I'm new to DA but not web hosting, my greatest difficulty was because I followed a thread here about using a script to convert cPanel backups when in fact that was no longer necessary.

Alma Linux seems indistinguishable from CentOS, as designed. I have not encountered even the slightest difficulty, nothing odd or strange at all.

My use case is atypical, I've been retired 15 years, my hosting clients are mostly me, family members and friends. It is a hobby, nobody pays me anything and my own websites have no advertising by design.
Ok thanks for your info. I have to switch to Alamlinux on 2 production servers - at moment i pushed this switch to the end of the year, to see more users reviewing about it and possible problems/solutions for the worst case.

I plan to continue using CentOS 7 until it reaches EOL. And then I'll look at the landscape and decide what is best.

I feel very sad about this. I do not want to give up CentOS and I don't want to pay for RHEL.
I have used this only the BUGS that DA had before are stil here ;( hihi ;) (evo skin... )

so from CENTOS 8 to alma. ( i think you better can if deploy new start with a base alma box, or base centos8 and then the almalinux deploy, don't think for new boxes you should use centos7 while to many things to old! (ssl pfffffffff)

Working now for 3 weeks in test.
Anyone migrated from CentOS 8 to Rocky Linux with any issues?

Going to be using the conversion script from Rocky Linux.
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Anyone migrated from CentOS 8 to Rocky Linux with any issues?
I'm on a google cloud server which does not have an alma image but does have one for Rocky. Not a migration, but a clean install of Rocky with DA and while Rocky isn't formally supported I've not had a problem with the operating system itself.
According to smtalk in a previous answer, Rocky is not -not- supported (he said it a bit different but it seems it's supported). However, it it's really supported in the future, it would be good to add it to the list so it's more certain for people with the same question.