Announcing first Stable Release of Zonecloud DNS Clustering Platform


Verified User
Jul 3, 2019
We are happy to announce that Nixpal OÜ has released Zonecloud DNS Cluster Stable to the public! This public release is production ready and mature enough.

After thorough and extensive testing we released a stable version of Zonecloud DNS Cluster application today.

While we are mainly focused on RPM Distributions (CentOS – RHEL – CloudLinux 6.x, 7.x, 8.x), this release also supports Debian, Ubuntu and FreeBSD.

What’s new ?
  • Introducing cPanel’s PowerDNS support. Agents can also be PowerDNS now.
  • Responsive theme for Controller. Switched to AdminLTE Bootstrap Admin Template.
  • Live RBL checking for all servers. Now you can check and be notified if any server is on a RBL. Controller notifications and e-mail.
  • Custom servers/IPs for RBL check. You can also check servers outside Zonecloud for RBL listing.
  • Multi – Cluster bugfixes.
  • Minor CSS / Layout fixes

What is Zonecloud?
Create your own DNS Cluster for your web hosting infrastructure easily.

Zonecloud is a DNS Cluster platform. It syncs zones between web servers and DNS servers no matter what operating system or panel is installed on the web servers.

Unified Experience
Zonecloud runs on cPanel servers, DirectAdmin servers, Plesk, Virtualmin, ISPConfig, and generally on any web server that runs BIND or/and PowerDNS and creates a unified DNS Cluster on Multi / Mixed hosting environments.

Build your own DNS Cluster with Zonecloud:

  • Supports any panel that uses BIND or PowerDNS like cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, Virtualmin etc.
  • Easily transfer accounts and domains from one server to another without downtime or changing nameservers
  • Exclude domains from cluster / server (for testing, migrations or transfers)
  • Duplicate domains protection
  • Logging Facility (On controller and local syslog)
  • Low Bandwidth Consumption
  • Security focused. IP & Token authentication.
  • No limit on Agents, Nodes and DNS Zones.
  • Easy setup (RPM and DEB packages) and easy to use config file

Grab a trial license at or drop us a ticket at