apache high load problems

disabling keepalive in apache
Can you please explain your rationing? I don't believe keepalive makes any perceived difference to the load (as shown in top and uptime because on our testbed servers (which have only 512MB of memory and processors of 450mhz processors), we show 0.00 load average for hours at a time.

While there may be circumstances under which keepalive could cause a small serverload, I'd think that would be more than overcome by the fact that there would almost always be apache processes available, and the system wouldn't have to take the time to start one.

What am I missing?

just simply based on my experience. It is probably because keepalives keep sockets open longer even with a keepalive timeout of 1 and as such increase amount of apache processes used. On busy web servers disabling keepalive can make all the difference. There is a performance hit of course since it takes longer to load images on the pages.