Apache Log Rotation Problem


Verified User
Jun 25, 2014

I'd like to keep more than just a single day's worth of logs in /var/log/httpd/domains, but it looks like that's all it is saving. When logging into the Admin area of DirectAdmin, I verified that the following configuration is set:

Keep Number of Apache Log Backups: 5

What I'm assuming that means is 5 days, though it doesn't explicitly say so? And since that is already set to 5, what would cause there not to be 5 days worth of log files in /var/log/httpd/domains? After one day does DirectAdmin move them somewhere that I'm not aware of?

Any help would be great, thanks!

Edit: Figured I'd add in that it looks like it's keeping 5 files of domain.tld.bytes.X, but not domain.tld.log. Not sure if that helps.
You will find those log files at this path in users directories:
