And at skin level will those "buttons" disappear or ive to edit manually the skin?
Jeff i only want them to block the ability to suspend themself a domain, change single domain limits (bandwidht, disk space) and remove the domain with the ability to add another completly different just cause will have a domain free to add (once removed the one they already have).
Ill explain why, i wanna do something like this (im working on it using API)
Every user will have just one random access code (ex 00000000) and that access will be used on my website, using api then they will be able to edit configs to each domain without log directly to directadmin.
Before i can do that (still work in progress with no eta from programmers) i would like to start to organize customers with same userid (like up 00000000) and multiple domains on it.
But each domain have his own disk-space limit and bandwidht limit that yes i can actually set and manage, but, if they go to manage domain they can change those settings (example put all unlimited and use the account max bandwidht on a single domain and keep the others unused) and i dont want that they have this ability, i would like that each domain have his own disk space and bandwith and users cannot touch it so easly... thats why i requested a feature to give me the ability to enable/disable that function for user/package/reseller/whatever.
John thanks for your reply, probably that will work correctly but ill have to edit the skin manually on each update for remove the link, i think (maybe im wrong) that as feature would me much more appreciate cause will automatize the skin link too, also, in that way i can choose a user that can edit those data and who not (the command allow give me this ability but if i delete the skin link to domain mange will disappear for everyone at the same unless i do multiple copy of the skin ex 1 for who can 1 for who cant and that will be a pain on updates...)
Hope this is more clear for what im looking for
Regards and thanks for replies ^^