ASP support with DA!

I meant a asp web site which runs in linux. A running web site which I can visit

How is that going to help you set up a linux box which will run asp? Nevertheless a google search will help you with your request as well.
I meant a asp web site which runs in linux. A running web site which I can visit
Possibly because we misunderstood you.

You're looking for a site running .asp code which runs in Linux? We used to host many of them on ChiliSoft years ago, but we don't have any now. Maybe someone else does and will respond.

I was wondering if it would be possible to run asp pages by installing Apache::ASP on a DA box. Nothing to do with DA. Just would DA be fine after installing Apache::ASP.

Installing Apache::ASP will not impact DirectAdmin. In fact, my post of January 14, 2010, specifically points to Apache::ASP. The problem is that Apache::ASP doesn't do what most people expect, which is to allow the use of VBscript with apache.
Well, sorry for the delay, do you want a site running in a valid old licence of a chili (sunasp) working with DA?

And dont try to hack the 5000 port, we know about the bug of the panel of the sun asp and we disable it.

sunasp have all the functions of the windows asp. More than apache::ASP .

Maybe you can get someone to sell you the licence of this product for NO CHEAP cost and you can use it in your Linux.