
Verified User
Oct 22, 2007
Has anyone tried both of these and can give a comparison. They both seem pretty comparable on paper and awbs is a bit cheaper but I haven't really heard it talked about on here.
There has already been comparisons on here do a search for either one. No need to start a new thread on this.
They are both fine scripts, but in the end we chose WHMCS. What we didn't like about AWBS is that each product/service generates a separate invoice, even if ordered on the same day.
I used 1 year AWBS, and it worked fine for me. Also a very nice anti-fraud system. So I would recommend AWBS.
After trying several, whmcs proved the best fit for us.

What IS the best for you? Only you can decide that based on level of experience, features you personally need/want to use and "comfort level" using it (for you and your customers)

Good luck
I tried both late 2006 and felt AWBS was more of a complete webhosting solution including a front end website and WHMCS just the administration backend. At that time WHMCS was way cheaper, so I went for WHMCS and created my own front-end.

I'm very happy with my choice, but I can only advise you to try both yourself (they both offered trial periods when I tested them, not sure whether they still have them).
I have been using AWBS for about a year now, the only thing that lets it down for me is updating the system when new updates come out, basically if you miss a few updates then you have to go through each update seperatly, i.e. if there was 5 updates since you last updated then you have to do all 5 of them, like i just had to, actually i think it was 6 :(

But other than that, its a great script and should do all that you need!
I'm leaning towards WHMCS but AWBS is cheaper and comes with a reseller account that has .ca domains so I'm still undecided.
This is waht I wanted to say about WHMCS.
I bought a licence and I was really happy with it since it's a simple goodlooking and userfriendly solution.

The problem was that it was encoded so I coun't read the source what I want to be able to do before I trust it.
So I began to decode it. My happiness disappaired right after it. The code is 1 big mess and leaks are everywhere. Even SQL injection was a possibility and SQL injection is waht everyone can do even people without real PHP knowlenge.

After testing how secure it was I let someone else install it and make a admin password. after some hours I was able to login as admin with some spoofing methods.

After some time is became well known on the internet because more people decoded it.

This was all around version 3.5.1
This means it could be save as I said since they are around version 3.6.x but I wonder. They encoded it in ioncube what is hard to decode and I don't know how. So I just don't trust it at this moment.

That is why I'm using clientexec now since I could decode it and read the source.

Nothing is 100% save but some leaks are unacceptable SQL injections are so easy to fix and its just lazyness if you don't fix them.

This are my 50 cents about WHMCS
The problem was that it was encoded so I coun't read the source what I want to be able to do before I trust it.
So I began to decode it. My happiness disappaired right after it. The code is 1 big mess and leaks are everywhere. Even SQL injection was a possibility and SQL injection is waht everyone can do even people without real PHP knowlenge.

After testing how secure it was I let someone else install it and make a admin password. after some hours I was able to login as admin with some spoofing methods.

After some time is became well known on the internet because more people decoded it.

I thought AWBS was copyrighted software that specifically prohibits reverse engineering and "decoding"?

a. By accepting this EULA you are agreeing not to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software Application, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

b. You are the exclusive licensee of the Software and sharing any source code of the Software with any individual or entity is a violation of copyright laws and international treaties and cause for license termination.

c. Modifying any portion of the Software source code or asking any individual or entity to modify the Software source code other than Total Online Solutions, Inc. is a violation of copyright laws and international treaties and cause for license termination.
Yep it is :)
But I don't trust scripts that tell me not to decode them. I didn't release the script so it's only for own use decode.

I'n my opinion you have 2 reasons why you encode a script.
1. To keep the souce secret.
2. So people can't see that the souce is bad (actually the same as 1)

That is why I don't like people encoding their scripts since I can't see if it's acctually save.

WHMCS is a great piece of software if we talk about userfriendly but it still is a billing software so it's really importand that it is save.
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Well one could say just about anything about any encoded piece of software. There's no way to prove that rjd22 decoded it, so IMHO such posts should be deleted.
Nope I can not profe anything. But luckily the leak of WHMCS 3.5.1 were well known on the internet. There was whole dicussion about it at webhostingtalk when it came to known.

Still it's only my opinion and this should be fixed in 3.6.x+ so its prolly nothing to worry about. It was only a thought I wanted to share with this community.
How can a leak be an opinion ??

I personally think you are full of it.

And that's also a personal opinion.:rolleyes:
I ment it was my opinion not to use it for my billing software. Everyone is free to do as he wishes and use it. Also I was talking about version 3.5.1. It should be fixed with the newer 3.6.x versions because it was reported to the maker of WHMCS.

Atleast I hope it is fixed.

I don't want to be sounding to be full of it. I'm just sharing my experience with WHMCS. As I said it's the most userfriendly and full featured billing software around next to Modernbill but I'm just afraid it still is really open.

A discussion about the security on webhostingtalk:

Also what I want to say that there is now save billingsoftware. Every billing software can be hacked I think its only harder when its custom made since the hackers don't have the source then.

Edit: Does someone have 3.6.x running btw? How is it? and what are the addons?
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