Backup and restore from FTP/NAS does not work with Alma Linux 8- SOLVED


Verified User
Oct 23, 2021
Bucharest / Romania
It does work normally with Centos 7 though. When using AL8 it does not connect to NAS using exactly same settings and credentials. Ideas? Anybody tried? I am referring to Admin/Backup Transfer function in Admin mode.
It's 100% compatible so that would be odd.

Have a look at the logs and post error messages so we can be able to help you. without, we can't.
Ports in Firewall are open?
I did not specifically open any port but i tried to ping the nas from the server and it responds. It just do not connect during restore procedure using correct credentials. Will do another fresh install today. I can't understand why I have so much trouble now, as I have done dozens of DA installs, all without any issue. Will do another fresh install of AL8+DA and report. Will also check anything requiered. If not solved, I will pass the credentials to anybody may help to test. Thank you so much in advance.
Could be due to a lot of different things. It “should” work. The most likely issue is either a firewall blocking port(s) or a passive/active misconfiguration.
Could be due to a lot of different things. It “should” work. The most likely issue is either a firewall blocking port(s) or a passive/active misconfiguration.
It is weird. I need the restore from NAS to work, I installed Centos 7 and it works. Does not work with Alma 8, does not connect.
The OS is irrelevant other than any default packages and their default configuration. For example the ftp client on one might default to active ftp vs passive and that would cause it to fail. I think the ONLY to help you, is for you to post the relevant lines ftp the log file on both sides of the transaction so we can see the actual error.
The OS is irrelevant other than any default packages and their default configuration. For example the ftp client on one might default to active ftp vs passive and that would cause it to fail. I think the ONLY to help you, is for you to post the relevant lines ftp the log file on both sides of the transaction so we can see the actual error.
Please where exactly can I find the relevant lines in Alma 8? Thank you. On the other hand there is a Synology NAS that works fine with anything else. On Centos 7 there was no need for any manual setting for FTP restore to work after basic default install.
Does not work with Alma 8, does not connect.
In another OS it might be that some instance of firewalld or nftables is active.

You have to check that as root in SSH like this for example:
systemctl status firewalld systemctl status nftables

Could be some iptables default is running, check like this:
iptables -L

Normally to connect to a NAS at home, you need port forwards and PASV ports for FTP.
In another OS it might be that some instance of firewalld or nftables is active.

You have to check that as root in SSH like this for example:
systemctl status firewalld systemctl status nftables

Could be some iptables default is running, check like this:
iptables -L

Normally to connect to a NAS at home, you need port forwards and PASV ports for FTP.
Thanks yes I know but Synology provides public name, like There is no need to port forward. It works with Centos 7 both with Direct Admin and Cpanel. I don't know what the problem is. I brought from office another machine (the 3-rd) to make another install of Alma8+DA. Will see how it works but I do not think problem is machine related. I don't know what I am doing wrong if I am the only one that fails with Alma8 +DA. Any Centos7 install I am doing fully works. On Alma, the green "NEXT STEP" button is grey, inactive, as server cannot connect to NAS. Screen shot is taken from Centos install that works.
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There is no need to port forward.
A public name is something totally different than port forwards.
If you don't need port forwards, then you probably have uPnP active on your modem, which is not the best idea.

If this is a screenshot of a DA Centos 7 server then it looks good. However, I wonder why the Synology uses a /root/ path.
I'm also doing backups to a NAS, but in my case I just have a seperate user account on the NAS, purely for FTP backup from the server.
So in my case the backups go to remote path /user/mycompany/backups so to speak.
Which is also safer, because I don't have to use a root or admin account on my NAS. This goes for both my Qnap and my Asustor NAS. The Qnap can be fairly compared to the Synology. Asustor is not much different though.

Have you tried changing your to your ip address (just to test) and see if the "next step" is getting green in that case?

Anyway, what you have to do to fix this, is go into SSH and try commands and see whats wrong. Try to make an FTP connection manually to your NAS, see what error notices you get if any. That can point to the cause.
When a cause is known, then a fix probably will be not difficult.
A public name is something totally different than port forwards.
If you don't need port forwards, then you probably have uPnP active on your modem, which is not the best idea.

If this is a screenshot of a DA Centos 7 server then it looks good. However, I wonder why the Synology uses a /root/ path.
I'm also doing backups to a NAS, but in my case I just have a seperate user account on the NAS, purely for FTP backup from the server.
So in my case the backups go to remote path /user/mycompany/backups so to speak.
Which is also safer, because I don't have to use a root or admin account on my NAS. This goes for both my Qnap and my Asustor NAS. The Qnap can be fairly compared to the Synology. Asustor is not much different though.

Have you tried changing your to your ip address (just to test) and see if the "next step" is getting green in that case?

Anyway, what you have to do to fix this, is go into SSH and try commands and see whats wrong. Try to make an FTP connection manually to your NAS, see what error notices you get if any. That can point to the cause.
When a cause is known, then a fix probably will be not difficult.
Hello, I thought about that but that is only possible with port forward as server is connected before the router, in public network, connected to a switch and NAS is on a router output port, on local network. The NAS has local IP, like 192.168.... If it does work with Centos & why does not work on Alma, that is my problem, Installing Alma now again on another machine.
Do you have any log files that show the ftp attempting to connect? Knowing EXACTLY what the error is will help in determining what your issue is, or at least help us to pinpoint if it is a firewall issue or something else. I do not think reinstalling the OS is going to do anything to help fix the issue if the same wrong configuration is installed again. Look at ALL of your log files, without them everyone can only guess what your issue is.
Do you have any log files that show the ftp attempting to connect? Knowing EXACTLY what the error is will help in determining what your issue is, or at least help us to pinpoint if it is a firewall issue or something else. I do not think reinstalling the OS is going to do anything to help fix the issue if the same wrong configuration is installed again. Look at ALL of your log files, without them everyone can only guess what your issue is.
There may be in some logs but I do not know where to look for them. Any idea which log to check? Thanks.
Since DA is how I assume you are backing up, the log files should be /var/log/directadmin which file to look in, I don't really know since I don't use DA for my regular backups unless I am moving the server.
There may be in some logs but I do not know where to look for them. Any idea which log to check? Thanks.
First of all, please don't quote all full posts. Just use the quick reply box below instead of the "reply" link. ;)

As for the logs, you can only see something in there if a connection is really tried. I don't know for sure if that also happens if you just only fill in the credentials. Maybe it does.
Check your logs in /var/log/directadmin in that case.

However, as I said, trying a manual connection via SSH will tell you much sooner and easier what's going wrong.
Including the commands I gave you to test any firewall which might be enabled currently on an Alma server.

The NAS has local IP, like 192.168....
Yes, which makes it necessary to create a port forward from your public (internet) ip to your local ip the NAS is running on.
If that is not necessary with Centos 7 either, then it can only be possible, as I wrote before, that your modem has uPnP enabled. But that's something for later. First we have to see exactly why it's going wrong.

Hence the logfiles and the manual try.
Done another fresh install, AL8+DA. All went OK, message that custombuild was installed well received. Done nothing else than try to restore from Synology NS, got this error message:


Error with getFtpFile:
/usr/bin/curl returned error code 9
curl: (9) Server denied you to change to the given directory

If using Centos 7 works OK.
That is odd. If you installed and used the same way, it should not give any issues as DA is using the same ports on Alma 8 and Centos 7.
Could you try to see if it makes any difference if you use /home/admin/admin_backups as the restore path?
Maybe that can narrow the issue a bit.

If that won't help either, I would suggest sending in a ticket.
That is odd. If you installed and used the same way, it should not give any issues as DA is using the same ports on Alma 8 and Centos 7.
Could you try to see if it makes any difference if you use /home/admin/admin_backups as the restore path?
Maybe that can narrow the issue a bit.

If that won't help either, I would suggest sending in a ticket.
I tried that before and it is working. It is strange, I use the public name for the Synology NAS (, and here, at home, with Alma 8, it can connect to local NAS, but it cannot connect to exactly same NAS I have at the office. The Centos 7 DA server I have at the office can connect both to the NAS there and the one I have at home.
The Centos 7 DA server I have at the office can connect both to the NAS there and the one I have at home.
Problem is that you can't compare systems on different locations, because the office and home can have different firewall or other settings.
However, if you just install exactly the same server you're using now, but then with Centos 7 and it works without changes, then I'm puzzled.

I tried that before and it is working.
If that works, then it looks as if it some user/owner/permission issue. As the problem is not that no connection is made, the problem is that curl can't change to a different directory.

In fact that would be working correctly, because the admin/back transfer is (as far as I'm aware of) done as user admin.
User admin has no permission to go to the /root/ directory of the server, that's preserved for root only.

But then I'm confused as to why the Centos 7 DA does not care about that. But I'm also wondering as to why you should use a different restore path than default.