Backup DirectAdmin to cloud storage (S3, OneDrive, Azure, etc.) using SFTP

but in wp I have a backup plugin that connects in just three clicks to any major cloud storage.
Which will be using the default ports already opened in a firewall otherwise it could run into trouble. However, I'm sure the data traffic will be counted anyway.

how many times a day would you manually download those backup to be on the safe side if your server crashed!?
I have no clue about that. I know hosting company's who make backups several times a day depending on the hosting account the customer has.
Some offer mutlple automatic backups and a snapshot and user also can make it's own backups.

Ehmz... I don't know if Brent really is only a user, but I'm a hosting company. However, I don't mind my users backing up and offer automatic backups for a very low price if they want it. But fo rme it's more a hobby than a living, I don't need to live from it. I just like to do this and offer service.

But looking around the world, everybody wants our money (as customer) not only hosters, it seems every small thing, also things which were free or low cost a decade ago must give money.
I've helped somebody with a small change in some forum settings, quick look, nog even 5 minutes work and he wanted before a quote on how much this costs. So I told him I would take a look for free and probably I could just to it without costs.
So after the work he wanted to pay me, I was wondering, so I said "nothing" and he was very wondered because he was used to pay for everything and every help nowadays. So I made him happy.

But I hear this kind of stuff more and more. Like all kind of licenses, even mods for forums, are paied for yearly or per half year even nowadays. It's getting crazy. So nah... it's everybody, not only hosters.
There are a few exceptions ofcourse.
if you are running a hosting business where you provide your user the option to pay for their stuff backed up, as many are running e-commerce sites where certain DB tables frequently needs to be backed up, how many times a day would you manually download those backup to be on the safe side if your server crashed!?

Right. But if you are running serious e-commerce project, it won't have much related to DA's user level and you can make FTP backups from admin level with Cron jobs.

true, who cares about us? they just want our money! :oops:

Google cares about you. It gives you so much for free. In return of just tiny bit of privacy.
But fo rme it's more a hobby than a living, I don't need to live from it. I just like to do this and offer service.

Wow. Same with me ? ;) I offer a service, because I can, but if I wouldn't offer it, it wouldn't change anything for me. It's a nice hobby, I'd say, with a wide array of application.
It might be, I can't speak of other apps or cms but in wp I have a backup plugin that connects in just three clicks to any major cloud storage.

DA cloud backup doesn't have to give every user access, could be for root admin only to make server backup.

As I look at DA panel out of the box, (remember I am new to DA :rolleyes: ) if you are running a hosting business where you provide your user the option to pay for their stuff backed up, as many are running e-commerce sites where certain DB tables frequently needs to be backed up, how many times a day would you manually download those backup to be on the safe side if your server crashed!?

true, who cares about us? they just want our money! :oops:
See the CocaCola guys is just trying to say that you can support this request here:

Hopefully it will be implemented soon.

Do you know, in this thread, I am oldest member here in terms of joining the forum, probably I started using DA earlier than most of the users here. Recently I came back to DA and I was very much shocked to see primitive backup feature in DA even after so many years. Forget about paid cPanel, even virtualmin has got far more polished and advanced backup system / migrate system than DA.

Hopefully if enough people asks to work on that feature, it will get implemented / improved soon.
Which will be using the default ports already opened in a firewall otherwise it could run into trouble. However, I'm sure the data traffic will be counted anyway.
I run full file backup ones a month, incremental backup daily and depends on what running on that sites, DB as often as ones every hour.

But I hear this kind of stuff more and more. Like all kind of licenses, even mods for forums, are paied for yearly or per half year even nowadays. It's getting crazy. So nah... it's everybody, not only hosters.
There are a few exceptions ofcourse.
I do not mind paying if it will solve whatever as long as I either save time/money having someone else doing it for me. or I have no idea how do get things done without spending days knocking my head against my screens!

you can make FTP backups from admin level with Cron jobs.
I am aware of this feature but it wont work with Gdrive

Google cares about you. It gives you so much for free. In return of just tiny bit of privacy.
G god is not alone in this department, your phone, security cameras, toll roads, new cars etc...

Hopefully if enough people asks to work on that feature, it will get implemented / improved soon.
4 new voters in past three days!
I am aware of this feature but it wont work with Gdrive

You should thank DA for protecting you :)

G god is not alone in this department, your phone, security cameras, toll roads, new cars etc...

G is alone in all departments. Security cameras, toll roads and new cars doesn't necessarily share data with G. They might be more intelligent than humans in this regard.
Forget about paid cPanel, even virtualmin has got far more polished and advanced backup system / migrate system than DA.
Virtualmin is not a professional panel, I never compare with user stuff. How about Plesk? I've seen that too, is not having it either as far as I remember.
I'm not saying it wouldn't be a nice option.

I do not mind paying if it will solve whatever as long as I either save time/money having someone else doing it for me. or I have no idea how do get things done without spending days knocking my head against my screens!
It's totally not about what people are prepared todo. I think everybody might be prepared to pay for things if it solves an issue they have or if like you, you have to spend days knocking your head against screens. I was not only talking about screens but about everything.
What I'm talking about is that nowadays it's all about money, helping each other or creating things just for fun (or other reason) or ... it's also not about getting things for free. I don't know how to explain better what I mean, sorry.
Maybe I'm getting old, and not everything about older times is better, but people also helped each other or created things before, to help each other of or a nice price. Now most only do things for top dollar. Again... there are exceptions.
I even have seen hosters who don't allow users to change DNS settings, but do count like 1,50 or 2,00 for every change they have to do for them.
Computer company reinstalling computer without any warranty for 85 euro, so if your wifi does not work after an update, it's your problem. They don't even investigate of that pc is valid for use with W10 for example. Just push in their image and count 85 euro (not my pc). Top dollar without service!
But as said... it's not only hosting and computers or tech, it's with lots of things, maybe most... don't know how to explain it... it's not about being free, but reasonable price, also helping each other, giving service, not only wanting top dollar/euro...

4 new voters in past three days!
As have I, because we can discuss why it's not in there yet, but that doesn't mean it's a bad request. ;)
You should thank DA for protecting you :)
Minimum requirements are to have all backups encrypted and password protected. :unsure:

G is alone in all departments. Security cameras, toll roads and new cars doesn't necessarily share data with G. They might be more intelligent than humans in this regard.
True but they are not the worst social media are on top on this list -a few weeks back I read 1000's of phone apps have spy or tracking code, created by companies cashing in on user data they sell to big companies, those snippets are later used by app developers without they knowing what those snippets are doing in the background in their apps.

What I'm talking about is that nowadays it's all about money, helping each other or creating things just for fun (or other reason) or ...
I know exactly what you meant, I know a guy how needed a plumber, a friend of is a plumber, he had to pay him a top price for 2-3 hours work! I have also heard friends charge their friends helping them moving!

I have spent hours helping friends fixing up their slow and badly secured computers for FREE! that's worth something more than money as it is friendship!
True but they are not the worst social media are on top on this list -a few weeks back I read 1000's of phone apps have spy or tracking code, created by companies cashing in on user data they sell to big companies, those snippets are later used by app developers without they knowing what those snippets are doing in the background in their apps.

What?? Do you know any other authority (except the state), that has such amount information about you? You are giving up your privacy for free or even pay them to take it, still calling Google not the worst. That's unbelievable. Why talk about encryption, when you can't even protect your privacy. Security begins with privacy. Providing all the information to them, you are actually giving them the power to control you, make decisions for you. Perhaps that's what you want, but I think, that freedom is an essential human right. So if you want to upload your backups to Gdrive - you are free to do so, I even support an idea for DA to implement that.

People should have right to not give up their privacy to anybody. Google clearly won't be an organisation providing people with such right. Even the idea of promoting any of Google services seems miserable to me now. That also applies to other major players, like Microsoft, Amazon or Facebook. We are talking about one of security measures - backups in general here, but I look at security as a whole: keeping things away from reach for those who are not authorized. And authority is not a gift, at least not from me to Google.
See, Google knows everything on web (why they provide free analytics) and they know everyone .. either stop using internet or create your own ecosystem.
But folks, this is not the topic.

Hence, coming back to topic :
DA needs to improve backup system, I will not go into Virtualmin or cPanel or Plesk, I am here using DirectAdmin and I am talking about DA only.

PS: No webhosting panel comes near virtualmin in terms of flexibility & features (even cPanel is looks kid if compared to it), its meant for experienced users with who knows in-out of system.
You can use rsnapshot and rclone to backup with any cloud services like google drive or onedrive. I use rsnapshot + rclone to backup my server in onedrive daily and I get notified by email:

If you're using G Suite and looking for a cloud backup tool, then I recommend you to try out this Spinbackup G Suite solution. I used a lot of tools, but this one truly stands out. With their automated backup, version control, and migration tools my work has become much easier.