Backup Issue


Verified User
Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to create a new scheduled remote FTP backup task in my DA but I always get the following error:
Error during Backup Creation

Details unknown host.
ncftpls: cannot open unknown host.
/usr/bin/ncftpls returned error code 1
FTP information invalid.
Any suggestion?
I'm sure that the FTP login credentials are correct. also both IPs of both servers are added into each other firewall allowed IPs.
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Check your /etc/resolv.conf if it's correct, because it seems that DA can't find the host and obviously gives the error "unknown host".
You could also have al ook in your /etc/named.conf if you have this line present under the options:
allow-recursion { localnets; };
I already have an active remote ftp backup and it's working fine. But I can not add more ftp backup tasks.
recursion is allowed only for localhost in my named.conf
I had the same problem and posted it in these forums. DirectAdmin Support staff responded and said it would be fixed with the next version of DirectAdmin, but in the meantime you could remove the pre-backup file checkup in the DirectAdmin configuration (or use the prerelease binaries).

Search these forums.


But was it the same error message?

The bug was with regards to the /path values when a remote ftp server isn't chrooted not the hostname... (issue when relative login path is not /).

This is the pre-check, that can be disabled if needed (but I'd sooner find the issue):

The error
[COLOR=#333333]cannot open unknown host[/COLOR]
sounds like a dns issue...

In any case, it wouldn't hurt to try the pre-release binaries, just in case it is somehow related:

Test the ncftpls command manually to ensure it's working to that host.

Also check the /etc/resolv.conf values.
It's possible that the top nameserver was down for that moment? I'm not sure.
Using google's nameservers could work, eg:
to the top of the /etc/resolv.conf.

I have quit the same problem with remote backup.

Could not connect to [IP ADDRESS] -- try again later: Connection timed out.
ncftpls: cannot open [IP ADDRESS]: could not connect to remote host, but can try again.
/usr/bin/ncftpls returned error code 1
FTP information invalid.

Im sure that my FTP information is correct, i can connect with an FTP programm.
Where is the problem? At the server I want to backup or the server I want to backup on?
Im sure that my FTP information is correct,
It might be your path is wrong. For example, don't use /home/admin/admin_backups if you're doing an admin backup, but use only /admin_backups as ftp information. Maybe you used it this way, but I can't know if you did.
Richard bedankt voor het medenken!

I've created a FTP account for backups only (, and the backups can be placed in the root folder of that specific account).
So I left the path on default value "/".

Is that correct?
It's still not working unfortunately.
I can connect to the FTP server with my web-browser or FTP-client, but DirectAdmin refuses to make an remote backup.
What am I doing wrong?
I can't imagine you do anything wrong, it's an odd problem. It's no DNS issue because you use the ip address.
We must deduce to see where it's going wrong, let's see if we can find something by the answers to these questions.

1.) What does the ftp log of your backup server say?
2.) Is it an admin or reseller backup you are making?
3.) Is the remote system (your backup server) also a DA server or is it a NAS at home or something else?
4.) Are you using standard port 21 or another port?
1) I have only user rights on the backup.
2) I'm using a admin account for backupping.
3) The backup environment is a DA server.
4) Port 21.

Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.
Well... for the attempt to help. You're welcome, however I could not do anything for you at the moment.
Still can't find anything wrong.
Can you ask the admin of the backup server if he can find anything in the log?

I presume you use the standard FTP account settings of your account on the backup server and didn't make an extra ftp account correct?

I'm going to try and create a similar situation with a couple of our servers, see if I can re-create the problem.