Bandwith not reset !!!

Sorry for the bump, but i thought it was not really needed to make a new topic for my question.

I have a problem with my bandwith stats too.

When the new month began all stats got a reset exept the subdomains.

When i go to
user » Home » domain » Sub Domains it gives me the info of last month stats.

i tried the reset line which is given above but that didnt work out. Anyone got an idea how i can reset those numbers.

I've also the idea that all the bw thats has been burned this month doesnt get added to the numbers i see there.
What Operating system and version of DirectAdmin are you running?
Are the stats up-to-date even though they haven't been reset?
fedora 3

and the webalizer stats are all updated its just the bw stats on the subdomain page which are not reset, and they dont get updated anymore now
rest all in SHH
echo "action=reset&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
and all will work fine
i've tried that already. It resets all the main logs, and it erases the apache logs of that day, but it doesnt reset the bw at the subdomains page
Rusrink, your problem has no relation to tally or bw reset process. Subdomain bandwidth stats not stored in any directadmin datafiles. Values for subdomain bw is readed from webalizer stats file.

And, as I can see, sometimes (or even always?) it gets values from previous month stats, not current.
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