I believe you wrote that you'd resolved this. If you have additional questions on this please feel free to post them but generally I don't go too much into the details of how to do this because I offer the project at no charge but do make a small charge to install it (I didn't write this project; I paid someone else to write it, so I don't mind making a few dollars off installation from time to time

A last question about the getmaster2slavedns.sh on the slave server. The line:
Must I change this to:
(which is the hostname of my master server) or not? Or something else?
I just noticed this variable isn't being used. It's there so you can choose whether to use http or https, but you can do that a few lines further down if you wish. If you do use https, then you must have a valid Certificate for the URL.
And the last question is, in the checkdomains.pl at top it says:
use File::Copy ;
use File::Basename ;
I know at least File::Copy is not installed. Is it necessary to install both of these via cpan? Or don't I need them?
I'd expect that you can't run the program unless they're installed. Please let me know if you find the program runs without error if they're not installed.
Found a typo.
In getzone.dns.sh this line is still disabled:
#cp -f /home/namedftp/named.master.conf $weboroot/namedftp/$masterip.named.conf
It says "$weboroot' instead of "$webroot".
Does this line needs to be enabled?
Yes it needs to be enabled and the variable name needs to be fixed. I'm sorry; I should have fixed that a long time ago, but the bug is documented somewhere on the DirectAdmin forums.
P.s. on the master I run the scripts as root, on the slave I run them as the namedftp user. Seems to work at the moment though, although we can't query dns 2.
Should I put the
allow-query { any; };
in named.conf?
That depends on how your master's are set up, but based on your next post it appears you didn't need it.
Resolving is fixed now by changing the owner of the /var/named/namedftp folder. So I do not need to put the allowquery in the named.conf.
As above, that depends on how your masters are configured.
Also sometimes I got some:
zone mkbdomain.in/IN: zone transfer deferred due to quota
I don't know for sure if I will get those again.
I've never seen that and I have no idea what it means. You might want to look
here (itags.org) which I just found by searching.