Block IP addresses which overload server

The simplest solution would probably be to deny access to those URLs server-wide, using Location or LocationMatch in Apache/Nginx, or ModRewrite in Apache/LiteSpeed/OpenLiteSpeed.
The problem is that this list isn't exhaustive.. there are constantly new tries. The only option is scanning logs for 404 / 403 from a single IP and correlate.

This said, I added Firehol Level 1/2/3 to the blocklists and it is awfully quiet out there now.

# Firehol Level 1

# Firehol Level 2

# Firehol Level 3
This said, I added Firehol Level 1/2/3 to the blocklists and it is awfully quiet out there now.
Good thing. Downside of this is that this blocks complete netblocks, so very big chance also valid ip's are blocked.
I've also seen a complaint from a year ago that Cloudflare ip's are blocked too. Maybe temporarily but well... it's worth a try probably to use one or more of these lists.

So how high do you have set your DENY_IP_LIMIT? Since for example only the level2.netset contains already 27730 unique IPs and list 1 even has 612798976 so over 61 million. Or does csf only counts subnets against the ip limit?
The problem is that this list isn't exhaustive.. there are constantly new tries. The only option is scanning logs for 404 / 403 from a single IP and correlate.

The real problem is that WordPress the most commonly used platform for creating sites is too resource consuming even when responding with HTTP/404 errors. So if you cache HTTP/404 page or create it static, you will see less peaks, I believe.

The only option is scanning logs for 404 / 403 from a single IP and correlate.

I widely use this method on servers of my customers, and see all the drawbacks of this method. Some bots might request up to 1000 pages within a minute, so by the moment when the script would run, a server load might be already too high. So if you scan logs for such patterns, make sure you use a rate limit in your webserver.
Good thing. Downside of this is that this blocks complete netblocks, so very big chance also valid ip's are blocked.
I've also seen a complaint from a year ago that Cloudflare ip's are blocked too. Maybe temporarily but well... it's worth a try probably to use one or more of these lists.

So how high do you have set your DENY_IP_LIMIT? Since for example only the level2.netset contains already 27730 unique IPs and list 1 even has 612798976 so over 61 million. Or does csf only counts subnets against the ip limit?
It counts as 1. Must say, it's a lot quieter on the mailserver too. Pretty happy with the result.
After 24 hours only 7 are added to the list.
Ah, then I misunderstood the working. I thought such complete blocklist would be used so if a list had 5k ip's then 5k ip's were preventively already blocked. But if I undertand you correctly, it will only block in iptables when it finds such ip somewhere in a logfile?
Then I don't need to worry.

I have 1000 in the temp_limit as this can not be higher, but with ipset installed I use the 15K limit for the deny limit. :)
Ah, then I misunderstood the working. I thought such complete blocklist would be used so if a list had 5k ip's then 5k ip's were preventively already blocked. But if I undertand you correctly, it will only block in iptables when it finds such ip somewhere in a logfile?
I understand it the other way around. The myriad IP adresses from Firehol are already blocked, as those lists are implemented into CSF, and because of this, he then gets only 7 "own" new IP adresses blocked in his csf-deny.
I have 1000 in the temp_limit as this can not be higher, but with ipset installed I use the 15K limit for the deny limit. :)
Years ago, I went to 30k, but the sites were becoming noticable slower, and the bots didnt ran out of new IP adresses. Its a loosing game. I went back to 2k.
Years ago, I went to 30k,
With the temp limit? Or with the deny limit? If I raise the temp limit over 1000 this notice always appears on restart of csf.
*WARNING* DENY_TEMP_IP_LIMIT sanity check. DENY_TEMP_IP_LIMIT = 3000. Recommended range: 10-1000 (Default: 100)
Which is why I keep that one on 1000 max.

I understand it the other way around. The myriad IP adresses from Firehol are already blocked, as those lists are implemented into CSF,
That's what I thought too, but now I'm confused. One of those list contain 15381 subnets.
I got a deny_ip_limit of 15000 in csf.conf so if those liste are implemented into CSF, wouldn't this one list already fill my limit completely?

Or does csf only block what is blocked by command and does it do a lookup in the list on connections made, not using the csf.deny?
I'm not entirely sure about this, but I suspect the DENY_TEMP_IP_LIMIT is related to rules in the normal iptables chains, while if you have LF_IPSET=1 the number of stored entries can be much higher.
Yes but the DENY_IP_LIMIT setting (which can be much higher) is also set in the normal iptables chain. Both also resides in files on the system. The csf.tempban (in another directory) and csf.deny in the csf directory.
Only when using ipset, it's handled better so you can store a lot more but it related to the DENY_IP_LIMIT (so not temp) if I understand correctly.
With the temp limit? Or with the deny limit? If I raise the temp limit over 1000 this notice always appears on restart of csf.

One of those list contain 15381 subnets. I got a deny_ip_limit of 15000 in csf.conf so if those liste are implemented into CSF, wouldn't this one list already fill my limit completely?

Or does csf only block what is blocked by command and does it do a lookup in the list on connections made, not using the csf.deny?
The real deny limit, not the temp. I cant remember temp limit, think it was either 1000 or 3000.
I dont think that the subnets and IP adresses in the implemented lists counts again the internal deny limit. I think the csf deny limit is independent from the implemented lists. But am not 100% sure. Maybe somebody other knows here more?
Also I have no idea about the lookups from 3party lists :-/
Oke so CSF is only reading the blocklist(s) and then denying, not actually implementing them in the iptables list.
I thought the limit there was the limit which was allowed to be taken in the iptables from CSF. But then I was mistaken about that. That is good news.
@Richard G
It's still in iptables/ipset. But ipset is recommended for this, you can read the size by
ipset list
IPSET have optimize logics, if only IPTables handle this, even 50k IPs, it's still slow your server.

deny/temp limit not affect to these 3rd blocklist.

For those limit logics, it will rotating by remove the old IP in "csf.deny/csf.tempdeny" and place new IP.
But ipset is recommended for this,
I have ipset installed for a couple of years already so that is not my issue.

Ipset has various lists. For ipv4 I got this one at the moment:
Size in memory: 148720
References: 2
Number of entries: 5140
For ipv6 only 23 ip's at the moment.

I also know about the rotating if the csf deny/tempdeny limits are reached.

My only concern was if the 3rd party blocklist entry's would be added c.q. counted to the to the csf.deny limit. But I understand that is not the case, so then I don't need to worry about that.