Brute-Force Attack detected in service log from IP(s) x.x.x.x. on User(s)


Verified User
Feb 14, 2012
I blocked this addy at first, but then got a call from a client who's account it was affecting. Apparently it's HIS IP address.

I get the brute force message about 20x a day just from his IP, and it's usually his email addresses it's referencing. What on earth can he be doing to generate that many failures? Misconfigured Ipad or something? I reckon i can just set the IP to ignore but I also would like to see if I can't fix the issue causing it in the first place.

What on earth can he be doing to generate that many failures? Misconfigured Ipad or something?

How about to read the logs? Please, note nobody can answer your question without seeing the logs.