Solved Bug - Admin backups, Skip Suspended in modify existing schedule isn't populated


Verified User
Feb 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Not sure if this is an Evolution problem or a general DirectAdmin bug but when modifying an existing admin backup schedule with the option "Skip Suspended" enabled, on Step 1, this field isn't selected when you modify a schedule so you'll have to select it again to keep that setting. All other settings are selected/deselected in these forms so seems like a bug only this field isn't populated according to the schedule settings.
Not sure if this is an Evolution problem or a general DirectAdmin bug but when modifying an existing admin backup schedule with the option "Skip Suspended" enabled, on Step 1, this field isn't selected when you modify a schedule so you'll have to select it again to keep that setting. All other settings are selected/deselected in these forms so seems like a bug only this field isn't populated according to the schedule settings.
@tristan you got one...
@smtalk The option "Skip Suspended" remains buggy. When you are creating a new backup and "All Users" is selected, the "Ignore Suspension" option is not displayed... It is just displayed in the backup modify screen.

Tested in DA v.1.63.0.
