Richard G
Verified User
I installed a fresh server but twice got a message from the DA system that the spamd service is down. Just remember this was after a reboot.
So I installed spamassassin for the 2nd time and then do a
Now what is wrong then... well... looking further.... seems the spamd service isn't installed.
How to fix please?
It's an Almalinux 9 server.
So I installed spamassassin for the 2nd time and then do a
ps faux | grep spamd
and oke it's running.Now what is wrong then... well... looking further.... seems the spamd service isn't installed.
[root@server29: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild]# service spamd status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status spamd.service
Unit spamd.service could not be found.
How to fix please?
It's an Almalinux 9 server.