Can't log into my Direct Admin panel


New member
Sep 13, 2007
Hi all,

I haven't posted here before, but I'm not in need of some help. I can't access my Admin panel (I don't know if I'm using the right word or not). I signed up with them about 10 months ago, and at that time, I paid for 1 year of hosting, so my account is paid to date.

I don't check the admin very often at all, so I don't know when this problem started occurring, I would say it has been in the last month. I usually get a notification from my site that a purchase has been made along with a receipt from paypal. I noticed the other day that I wasn't getting the notification from my site, so I tried logging on to my admin panel only to receive a message that says... Oops! This link appears to be broken.

I have left an e-mail for the support team a few days ago, but nothing.

If anyone can help me I would deeply appreciate it.


There's a big difference between DirectAdmin, the hosting control panel software, distributed by JBMC, the company that wrote it ...

and your hosting company, from whom you've bought webhosting that it appears uses the DirectAdmin control panel.

Only your hosting provider can help you.

Thank you for your reply. I have sent e-mails to my hosting provider and they aren't answering. I'm a little upset with them. Thank you again for your help.

Problems with E-mail

First time posting on this board....

I, too, am having problems with my account. Specifically, all incoming and outgoing e-mail is non-existent. I have attempted to contact my hosting provider (i.e., that guy who signed me up for my account some 2+ years ago), but he is not replying to any of my e-mails.

I use Mozilla Thunderbird to send and receive e-mail and up until this past Sunday, June 1st everything was OK, then.... nothing! Not even all the Spam that I normally get. So I sent myself some test e-mails from my alternate accounts with Yahoo! and Hotmail to see if anything was getting through. Here it is two days later and still nothing!

As a business, I rely heavily on being able to effectively communicate to both my customers and potential customers. For each day that I am out of the loop and cannot communicate with them, I am losing money. And if a customer cannot reach me, then they are going to take their business elsewhere and I lose out even more.

As I said earlier, I have been attempting to reach my hosting provider. I'm wondering if he is experiencing the same problems and can't receive my letters.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I'm in the dark on how all this works and (so far) not getting help from anyone!

There's no way we can help you because we're not your hosting provider and we have no way to look at your server.

Since you dind't tell us your domain, we can't even see if the problem is in your DNS or domain name registration.

Usually 90% of the time when a client asks us why they can't receive email it's because they've let their domain name expire.

And yes, if your domain name has expired they may not be getting your emails.

I finally heard back from the guy who originally set me up with the hosting provider (of course, he was gone all weekend), and said that he would check on what's going on. My domain name is and there is nothing wrong with my web site, it's running just fine, and it doesn't expire for some time. The problem is only with sending and receiving e-mails. Both myself and friends of mine have sent me "test" e-mails to my main addresses and so far, after three days of this, none of the test e-mails have made it through. I did post an alternate e-mail address at the top of my Home page so that customers can at least reach me (through my Yahoo! e-mail account) but so far, I'm not hearing anything from the hosting provider as to what's going on (which is typical). This is really frustrating!
Because you were willing to give us your domain name I was able to check and I noticed that your hosting company doesn't have rDNS (reverse DNS ponters) set up for your IP#. Without rDNS mail to and from some providers will always fail. Whether or not that's the problem is impossible to determine until it's properly set up.

Jeff's correct - assuming your provider sends mail on the same IP as the server ... some hosts have their mail server setup to another specific IP - which may or may not even be in that class C block.
Good point; I'd forgotten to test against the spf record. Testing against the spf record it appears the email should be going out from and not DOES have reverse DNS.

So that's probably not the reason. I say probably, because misconfiguration of spf is always possible.

For those who don't know how to find out what spf says about the IP# which should be sending out email, from Linux/Unix:
$ dig txt | grep spf
where of course you replace with domain name you're checking.
