CentOS 6.1 status update & automated QA

Thank you for testing and sharing the results, Andrea! I have now upgraded my CentOS 6.0 64bit server to CentOS 6.1 and rebooted in new kernel:

# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.1 (Final)

I have not discovered any problems yet, it seems to work fine! I will let you know if I discover any problems later ... So far soo good! I am happy now, I have been waiting long time for 6.1! :D
...As i sayd, upgrade should go smoothly ^^

Yes, you was correct! And again thank you for testing. It's now been a couple of days after I upgraded to CentOS 6.1, and still have not any problems!

Also, beleive it or not, but CentOS 6.2 might be ready in only one or two week from now!!! :) Here is latest news:

6.2 QA Update - Dec. 15

6.2 has made a lot of progress this week. Both trees are now finalized (pending successful testing), and install media is all complete. The QA team now needs to do the (hopefully) last round of testing before we'll be ready for release. LiveCD/DVD are still building but should be ready soon.

If we don't find major issues with the current 6.2 trees, then it is likely those will get pushed. Since we had such a quick turn-around time, we are looking at completely skipping the CR repo for 6.1 since we will have the 6.2 packages out very soon anyway. If this affects you one way or the other, please feel free to comment on the centos-devel mailing list.

I'll post an update as we progress through testing of these "final" trees, and prep for release.

From http://qaweb.dev.centos.org/qa/node/121
From CentOS mirror list:

hi guys,

were starting to seed 6.2 internally, hoping to open to public mirrors
in the next few days. Keep an eye on that.

Also, 6.0 is going to be completely moved over to vault.c.o, so you will
notice a drop in mirror size.

rndc: neither /etc/rndc.conf nor /etc/rndc.key was found
named stoped

its same problem?
how can i create rndc.key
okay i recreate .key

but still have error

rndc: connect failed: connection refused
named is stopped
Our version of the script uses the normal start/stop method for processes, and doesn't use rndc (a service, to control a service).

I was talking about the rndc.key.. actually the named.conf still include it and if doesnt exist named doesnt start, did understood that sequence wrong?
I *believe* that that error
rndc: neither /etc/rndc.conf nor /etc/rndc.key was found
is from the actual "rndc" process... not named itself. When our boot script is used, rndc isn't touched, so the rndc.conf isn't needed.

I tested one of our boxes and removed the rndc.conf, and named started up ok.

Mmmh ok so CentOS 6.1 is totally compatiblAeand the problem i had on new install are random and not important?

Also, if i move rndc.key in a centos 5.7 box from /etc/ to /root/ i got the error aswell:

[08:21:23] [email protected] [~]
>/etc/init.d/named restart
Interruzione di named: .                                   [  OK  ]
Avvio di named:
Errore nella configurazione di named:
/etc/named.conf:43: open: /etc/rndc.key: file not found

So i suppose is related in some way, unless you say that

// a caching only nameserver config
controls {
        inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; };

can be removed, but, in that case you should put in setup.sh to download a custom config for named aswell i suppose as happen for FreeBSD named.conf in some cases .

Oh, now i got what you mean.. i was talking about named process on new installation, chek first posts of this thread.

Wasnt talking about latest "TheMast" posts...
If bind is already installed, DA doesn't touch any of it...
If the named.conf is missing, DA will install one.
As of yesterday, if the rndc.key is misisng, one will be installed.

I just looked over the setup.sh, and the /etc/init.d/named script (for CentOS) should always get downloaded... this is the relevant excerpt:
if [ "$OS" != "FreeBSD" ] && [ "$OS" != "debian" ]; then
        mv -f /etc/init.d/named /etc/init.d/named.back
        wget -O /etc/init.d/named http://www.directadmin.com/named
        chmod 755 /etc/init.d/named
        /sbin/chkconfig named reset


        if [ ! -s $RNDCKEY ]; then
                wget -O $RNDCKEY http://www.directadmin.com/rndc.key

        if [ -s $RNDCKEY ]; then
                if [ `cat $RNDCKEY | grep -c secret` -eq 0 ]; then
                        SECRET=`/usr/sbin/rndc-confgen | grep secret | head -n 1`
                        STR="perl -pi -e 's#hmac-md5;#hmac-md5;\n\t$SECRET#' $RNDCKEY;"
                        eval $STR;
Then the named.conf is checked in scripts/doChecks.sh. If it's missing, it's downloaded from www.directadmin.com/named.conf.

As for
controls {
        inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; };
I don't believe that's required. I've commented it out on our test box, and the restart worked alright.
It's likely pieces of rndc in the configs (like the use of the rndc.key), but they're not actually used for the start/stop.

So in theory, a simple workaround is to remove that control and remove the include of the rndc.key.

I guess why i dont have those code in my setup.sh ... well.. so now the strange part is that error appeard once yes and once no.. but.. putting in ignore the rndc.key (if really isnt needed by a work use of a directadmin server) that would solve any issue.

First issue (easy):

DA ask what OS im using and to choose a file, testing now with: services_es60.tar.gz

Also noticed that in list i had no services_es60_64.tar.gz so prolly this installation will fail?

Ill edit with result.

EDIT: Failed at MySQL. Testing with the right file name (that is not in list but should work).
Last edited:
Ok. CentOS 6.2 work like a charm with DA using services_es60_64.tar.gz file (not in list)

But setup.sh must be change for recognize the system.

Also, the line for centos 6.x 64bit (services_es60_64.tar.gz) must be in list for dont make confusion.
