Centos 7 EOL question


Verified User
Dec 14, 2019
Hi everyone,

Seeing that centos 7 is supported until June 2024, my question is if directadmin will get some extended support time, I currently have 30 servers running centos 7 and some were recently upgraded. I have several clients with old versions and it is not easy to migrate 30 servers with many clients with old software versions in 1 year.

1.no as soon the os get eol da is stopping teh support, however your server can perfectly run but the custombuild will stop
You can have extended support for Centos 7 with Cloudlinux if disered
2. you can try ro do an inplaace upgrade to lets say Almalinux 8.x, search the forum for the howto
already extended, see docs

with new Directadmin Logical. Even EOL OS, I think you can still use directadmin with custombuild without update. because custombuild will bundle with directadmin package. so if you need more time than mention in the Docs. it should be fine.
already extended, see docs

with new Directadmin Logical. Even EOL OS, I think you can still use directadmin with custombuild without update. because custombuild will bundle with directadmin package. so if you need more time than mention in the Docs. it should be fine.
good, as long as the DA license works shouldn't have any problems then.

As Directadmin for CentOS 7 EOL on September 2024, but i still need some time to upgrade to almalinux 8, may be around Oct or Nov 2024.

So, after that, directAdmin with CentOS 7 will still run and DA license will still valid after the EOL on Sep? anyone know the EOL is on 1 sep 2024 or end of Sep 2024?

From directadmin EOL Msg
If infrastructure (ours or the Internet) changes, even licensing functionality may permanently fail making DirectAdmin non functional.
Does directadmin has any infrastructure change planned that affect licensing or functionality 1 or 2 months after EOL? i found that, previously DA change to new licensing system was on around 2022.

Thanks in advance.
Since directadmin already merge custombuild package into same binary controller. so you can still use it, rebuild some software... etc.., but you can't upgrade some package anymore in the future.
From my experience, when your DA version was behind some releases, they may fail to update its license key.

I have a few VM running 1.648 version in CL7 without auto update (probably no updated around 1 - 2 year).

I found those DA license expired in "da license".
If I manually update DA from 1.64x to 1.665, then it is OK to continue.

For EOL OS, not sure the case is.
RHEL 7 systems will become EOL at September 1st 00:00 (UTC).

At that moment, the DA service (all by itself) will stop checking for updates in normal release channels (alpha, beta, current, stable) and will switch to a special rhel7 release channel. There are already a couple of such EOL release channels: rhel6, debian8, debian9, and freebsd. EOL channels do not normally get any updates or new DA versions. Having a dedicated release channel for the EOL distro gives us the option to push out an update if we really need to. We do release an update when we need to change licensing code to stay compatible with license server changes or if a critical security vulnerability is discovered.

In general, everything will continue to work. After some time, CustomBuild might start failing because some resources will no longer be available on the internet. Then we will push out an update to the EOL release channel to disable CustomBuild completely. For example, the rhel6 EOL release channel now has a build where CB just refuses to run. However, we will not kill CB while it still works fine. It is hard to tell when CB will fall apart on its own. For RHEL6, it was quite fast because we stopped hosting some software packages on our mirrors and started downloading them from upstream. Now most of the packages are from upstream, so my guess is that CB will stay alive longer.

@ccto, Staying on the EOL release channel is smoother compared to disabling automatic updates and running some arbitrary old DA build. In general, old DA builds (that are not in release channels) might stop working due to licensing system changes. Release channels get updates to avoid that.