Change URL of roundecube and phpmyadmin


Verified User
Jul 19, 2023
Hi, I have changed the alias of phpmyadmin and roundcube from:
roundcube -> webmail
phpmyadmin -> database

and now I want to change the default URL of the panel. From https://{HOSTNAME}/alias to https://{mydomain}/alias
is there a way to do this ?
is there a way to do this ?
If it's for roundcube and phpmyadmin, depending on how you changed it, then you should already be able to use it like:

Normally the first alias for roundcube can be set in directadmin.conf and then the alias is automatically created.

If you created a custom httpd-alias.conf like this for phpmyadmin:
Alias /database /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin

But be aware if you customized it like this you have to set it in the appropriate custom directory so it won't be overwritten on apache update.
If you don't it like that, then you don't need any additional changes.

If you mean the panel, like instead of to or then a totally different method is required.
For that you could have a look at the docs here:
From my experience, currently those feature will using only server hostname.

And don't know why's not just use the base request domain/IPs panel like "$env['HTTP_HOST']".
Since I'm just use for testing and don't need to set the hostname, sometime it's so annoy to me that I need to manual change the request url into current working domain/IPs.