I do not want directadmin to go the precompiled route its inferior to compiling.
How is it inferior? Please detail this other than making a vast generalizations. My points:
- compiling code per server gives little to no performance edge
- packages can be setup to include or require other specific packages
- you can create your own rpms and customize them per your liking
- compile as I'm sure you are well are of doesn't always work the first time and can be time consuming (both in terms of sysadmin time and server time) and have to be much more technical.
Your point IMHO is somewhat valid for PHP and apache only. All of the supporting modules? No. Most of the support libraries either:
a. come already with the distro and is either current or close to current
b. can get a current package from somewhere to install
c. can create a custom package
All of the package systems that exist out there are just a waste? Sorry but custom compiling is old school. You can also custom compile SRC rpms to your liking and if you wanted to custom compile everything if you wanted. You could choose not even use the packages, then why even use a specific distro? You might as well roll your own and/or use FreeBSD.
The only problems I have had with directadmin is from mysql and exim both precompiled,
Can you be specific? The mysql rpms from DA are directly from Mysql. I'm not aware of any issue, never had an issue, with any the rpms themselves.
yet no problems with customapache httpd php etc. all compiled. I even use mysqld from ports since it means I am using a compiled version on the box. Also would like to use compiled exim. Customapache and custombuild are both fairly easy to use.
Easy to use is NOT my point. It has to do with:
- harder to keep updated
- harder to automate updates
- harder to know the state of a server and tje software installed
- harder to keep secure
- harder to make servers consistent
These are all part of what a sysadmin should be doing to keep their system updated and/or secure. While I'm sure most of DAs customers install and forget, I'm also sure they have been hacked, or will be hacked at one point or another. DA's decision to make everything custom compiled makes these items much harder than they need to with today's distros.
If you honestly want to custom compile all your software, fine so be it. My argument of the existing DA setup is while easy to install and hard to maintain is a very valid one. The setup should be:
- use packages first
- if you want custom anything custom compile whatever you want.
While package management is not perfect, it sure the hell beats custom compiling code for everything. If I wanted to do that I might as well turn the clock back 10 years on Unix administration.