$IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8080 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2222
max2000, unfortunately,
your solutions would'n work.
albatroz, there is no problems with cookies, AFAIK.
I have described this problem many monthes ago -
I also submitted detailed feature request in January 2005 to
[email protected]:
After submitting login form, DA sends redirect header to browser:
Location: <protocol>://<hosname>:<port>/
Because of that we can't run DA on 2 or more ports simultaneously - it will always redirect browser to port and protocol defined in DA config file.
Maybe it's possible to change url in that header from absolute to
relative? Like this:
Location: /
If you do that, i beleive nothing changes in current way of DA
But with that we will become able to map DA on any port and on any number of ports
(Of course, I didn't received any comments or reply
Now, John intending to implement new "2-ports feature". Great, but I'm affraid they will too much hardcode again - and we still wouldn't able to map DA to 80 port on dedicated IP, for example.
Such a simple thing - replacing absolute urls with relative urls - may give DA so great flexibility - we'll even become able to implement "<any_number>-ports feature" by own hands completely