cloudflare helper


Verified User
Jul 12, 2019
Hi all.
We have customers who use cloudflare,
Obviously when you have many users you won't have a list of exactly who to contact every single time you move an account to another server,
And seeing they are using cloudflare dns records they are likely either pointing to an A record of where the account is when they get the login details or a Cname record which refers to the server name where the account resides at that time.

Every single time we have data migration off a server those customers then need to update their dns records.
True that it would only occur once or twice over the span of several years but still its painful when customers have their sites go down because an ip changed.

Without needing to motivate the justification for this idea in too much detail I am sure the usefulness of a floating record would be self explanatory.

Let's say we have a domain name we own and wish to use, let's call it and is then pointed at the direct admin name servers.
We wonder about the possibility of adding the domain name as a sub domain entry which automatically updates with the ip of the server where the account resides. So then on cloudflare you only need to point to that Cname record and the site will always have the ip of the server where its active. For example points to cloudflare's name servers and has a Cname pointed to which we control and update automatically.

Is there a simple way one could be able to do this using a directadmin command / hook or would this need to be an entirely customized self coded solution? I'm sure we aren't the first to consider a way to help cloudflare users always have the right ip resolving, might help the community if there was some way to achieve this?

Obviously it needs to have some form of automation where when an account is made it adds the record and then when the account is moved to another server the record is amended somehow.
That would be something like dyndns is. There is a topic about this on the forums, you can search for it.
That can be automated with a script.

If you want something like that included in Directadmin (I doubt they will make that), then you can request it here:
you need to register a new account for this site. You can normally use the same credentials as here (email and pass) to register.