Complete Meltdown !!!!!!!!! HELP HELP


Verified User
Jun 16, 2003
Alabama, USA
I got home today to check my email only to learn that i couldnt check any of the email from one of my particular websites. But another email recieved was from directadmin saying that that account has crossed its bandwidth limit. i logged on to changes its available bandwidth. after changing its bandwidth i tried to login through ssh and learned that the password was messed up so i used DA to reset its password. After resetting its password i thought "maybe thats why i cant login to email" figuring some rouge admin on my server had gone through deleting everything. I learned upon entering pop that I "Cannot open the user password file for reading". Also my entire dns is gone. Can anyone help me in restoring this, dns isnt a problem but what can i do about the password file ? I cant lose those accounts that are present there because I need the information they store. If anyone knows what to do I would really appreciate it.
Error creating account


Cannot open the password file to add the user

Where is the password file? whatever happend touched a lot of things, the custom skin the account was using is gone, the dns is gone, or at least httpd.conf i guess because when you go to it says not found. im really at a loss here guys :(
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Gadget said:
Nevermind. Stupid thing was suspended even though it ddint say it was !!!!! :\

Was that the cause of *all* the problems you listed...?


Was the domain suspended and the account wasn't? That would explain the problem if you didn't notice it from the "Host Additional Domains" section.

DirectAdmin Support said:

Was the domain suspended and the account wasn't? That would explain the problem if you didn't notice it from the "Host Additional Domains" section.


I could login using the username but the domain wasnt available. It didnt show up as "suspended" when viewing all of my reseller users (because my website is actually set up as a user under my admin account). I didnt realize it was suspended untill I viewed a master list of all users on the server and it said suspended there. I dont know what the problem was. But the user could log in on both SSH and DA but it couldnt chagne anything that had to do with its password protected access and the email accounts couldnt log in.

Did you have a look in:

User Panel -> Advanced Tools -> Host Addional Domains

One domain can be suspended if the user sets the limits too low. This would cause only the domain to be suspended and not the account. This is mainly used when a User has more than one domain, and doesn't want one particular domain eating up too much of his bandwidth. You can suspend/unsuspend domains there IF the account total is still less that the accout limit (the domain limit would be set lower than the account limit and the usage would be somewhere in between)

Given the fact that I've seen this issue for 3 or 4 topics in a row, I guess it would be best if the default state of the quota is unlimited. I don't know if that's already the case?

If so, perhaps a word of warning is in place after a user enables quota's on a domain.

It has been defaulted to unlimtied for quite some time now. Only accounts that were created before the change will be affected.
