1}in Complete Usage Statistics i's show :
Usage Stats for eth0,
i think if it give all devices, it's could be very usefull
like example, my ethernet device is : eth0:10
it's just device to Da license, but the real connection is eth0,
2} when add new ip, it's using the same MAC addrees like eth0, it's have to be diffrent
{bug ? }
eth0 mac = eth0:1 mac
3} when add new ip, it's will be add by DHCP
Usage Stats for eth0,
i think if it give all devices, it's could be very usefull
like example, my ethernet device is : eth0:10
it's just device to Da license, but the real connection is eth0,
2} when add new ip, it's using the same MAC addrees like eth0, it's have to be diffrent
{bug ? }
eth0 mac = eth0:1 mac
3} when add new ip, it's will be add by DHCP