I actually like and prefer the DA backup.
Since they change it, it became better so you can make backups also with dates and so. But it might be nice to have a package option where you can allow the user to create external backups (or not). However I don't know how much of a security risk that is.
I know hosters who do have such option.
My big complaint about CPanel is how fast they roll out new technology.
Not with everything unfortunately. I know for a fact that DA had mod_ruid2 running already as an option when this was still just put in as a beta with CP.
And we ourselves were running that already for several years on our servers even before it became a custombuild option.
Service is indeed GREAT. Can't put anything up against that, sure thing. You have an issue, you can create a ticket, no extra costs, they come have a look at your server and look if they can fix it for you. But oke, that's also what you pay for. If it's more expensive you can expect some more.
Another GREAT thing I'm missing with DA, is the easy option CP has to move servers (one, multiple or even all accounts and configurations), which takes a load of work of your hands configuring stuff when you have to setup a new server.
Still administering one CP server for a friend.
It's not all bad, it's choices. And it got bad (pricewise) after they were taken over. DA uses much less resources, is very customer friendly (especially with prices changes, which are 0 in a very long time) and easy to use. It takes some administering sometimes, but hey... if one is a hoster, one should learn to be an admin anyway and know what's going on under the hood.